The world's fastest camera captures at 1 trillion frames per second

The camera can catch light at slow-motion speed.

Researchers have created a camera that, according to them, is the fastest in the world called T-CUP with the ability to capture 1 trillion frames per second, allowing it to "freeze time" and see the motion of the light. light at extremely slow speeds.

Researchers at the INRS institute of the University of Quebec and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have begun studying ultra-fast compression technology (Compressed Ultrafast Photography CUP) to capture images at about 100 billion frames per second.

T-CUP developed this technology by building on femtosecond camera streaks (one million billions of frames per second) and integrating the data collection type commonly used in tomography.

'We know that if only using femtosecond camera streak, image quality will be limited,' said Professor Lihong Wang at Caltech.'To improve this, we added a camera to capture stills.Combined with the camera stream, we can use Radon transmission method to get high quality images and record 10 million billions of frames per second '.

The world's fastest camera captures at 1 trillion frames per second Picture 1The world's fastest camera captures at 1 trillion frames per second Picture 1
Image simulating the structure of T-CUP camera

'This new camera can completely freeze time for us to see phenomena - even light - at extremely slow speeds,' said Jinyang Liang.'Although there were some methods of measurement but nothing with a clear descriptive image'.

'This is already an achievement but we can speed up to one million billion (10 caps 15) frames per second'.

Currently, this camera sets a world record for speed in real time shooting.T-CUP is expected to be used in medical microscopes and many other applications.

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