The mutant 'Superman' runs the 560km three days and three nights without sleep

Dean Karnazes completed a 650km long journey in just 80 hours and 44 minutes without sleep, without even feeling pain in his legs or cramps.

With a distance of 350 miles (560km), the athletes must stop to rest when their limits are reached. But with Dean Karnazes, he completed this long journey in just 80 hours and 44 minutes without sleep, not even feeling pain in his legs or cramps.

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The mutant 'Superman' runs the 560km three days and three nights without sleep Picture 1The mutant 'Superman' runs the 560km three days and three nights without sleep Picture 1

Dean Karnazes can run three days and three consecutive nights without a break, as if muscles of Dean Karnazes never tired. Karnazes used to run a marathon to Antarctica at temperatures of - 25 degrees Celsius without shoes, he even exceeded the expected 100-mile distance in 2002. In 2006, he completed 50 marathon competitions in 50 states. America for 50 days without feeling tired.

Karnazes said: " I feel I can run a long way without being tired when at a certain level, my muscles never get tired. The only difficulty is that I am sleepy. Night "The third part of the running without sleep is really scary. I experienced the feeling of sleeping and running but I still tried to continue."

Mr. Dean discovered his outstanding persistence at puberty. During a fundraising run in high school, Dean runs to 105 rounds while his classmates run 15 rounds as best.

The mutant 'Superman' runs the 560km three days and three nights without sleep Picture 2The mutant 'Superman' runs the 560km three days and three nights without sleep Picture 2

In 2006, Mr. Dean went to a testing center in Colorado to conduct a competency test. His results are consistent with other trained athletes.

After that, he continued to perform a lactate threshold test. Normally, this test took only 15 minutes but to him, it stopped after an hour.

The inspectors were astounded by his case, they had never seen anyone like this so far, a special, supernatural, and unlike ordinary people.

The mutant 'Superman' runs the 560km three days and three nights without sleep Picture 3The mutant 'Superman' runs the 560km three days and three nights without sleep Picture 3

Dean Karnazes said his special ability was due to a rare genetic mutation. When the athlete is physically active and the body does not provide enough oxygen, the glucose from the cells will turn into lactic acid causing muscle fatigue. If the lactic acid intake is too much, the mobilizer will stop. This has never happened to Dean Karnazes.

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