Why are you still tired when you get enough sleep?
Fatigue can be a symptom of modern times.Long hours of work and "juggling" between all responsibilities in life makes it difficult to get eight hours of sleep as recommended and thus leads to a state of fatigue.But what if even if you slept enough every night, you still lack energy and are completely exhausted ? Even though I tried to sleep a few short nights, I still felt tired all day. The problem now lies in the quality of sleep, not the quantity. There are many factors that affect sleep quality , so even if you think you have had a good night's sleep and still feel tired during the day, it is likely that you do not "sleep well" like yourself. think.
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There are many studies done that show that sleep quality also affects the quality of life . Regularly feeling tired can significantly reduce the quality of life, making it impossible to enjoy the moments of the day, leading to feelings of mood swings or irritability. If you are tired even if you have enough sleep, some of the reasons below may explain that situation.
Do not exercise enough
We spend a lot of time on work and that usually means spending 8 hours a day sitting at the desk. This lifestyle can affect both the body and the mind in many ways that we cannot imagine. Not only does it make you gain weight, it also causes fatigue and lack of energy. It also affects sleep because the body does not produce enough energy to provide the best sleep quality.
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Maybe you think that doing your daily routine exercises only makes you more tired, but actually doing exercises make your body more refreshing and thereby improve sleep quality. Whether practicing in the morning, during lunch breaks or in the afternoon, a daily training schedule will increase the need for the most effective and natural sleep for sleep.
Make sure you regularly take short walks during the day to break down the time you have to sit. Letting your body move more will increase your chances of improving sleep quality.
Dehydration (dehydration)
How much water do you drink every day? Dehydration plays a huge role in making you feel tired. Many people are unaware of how much they drink because they use drinks with sugar or caffeince - drinks that are not as beneficial as water. Dehydration has a very bad effect on the body. The organs are ineffective because the heart transports oxygen at lower speeds, leading to fatigue and exhaustion.Make sure you drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and avoid sugary drinks as they lead to unnecessary energy consumption.
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85% of the brain is made up of water so maintaining moisture will help maximize sleep quality. Increasing the amount of water absorbed each day will help extend the energy level of the day, allowing the brain to work in the best state in the evening and the fatigue state will also decrease.
Poor eating menu
The non-extensive diet menu also affects your state of the day. If you use too much high-fat or high-carb foods, they can cause more fatigue than usual. A healthy, balanced diet that will have a great impact on your body and mind, nutrition will also be the key to defeating the feeling of fatigue. Many studies show that nutrition has an important influence on the duration and quality of sleep . So consider this if you are often tired.
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There are many types of foods that help bring in a lot of energy, including iron-rich red meats, cereals, nuts, green vegetables and dried fruits. Having a varied diet menu, low in sugar, high in fiber and nutrients is very important.
A healthy breakfast to start the day is also essential to fighting against fatigue. When not eating breakfast, the body experiences a long-term hunger and uses faster reserves of energy. So take the time for an energy-rich breakfast with eggs, porridge, wholemeal bread or sugar-free cereals. Eating many meals a day also helps to prevent energy consumption, so eating is very important in maintaining the energy needed at the optimum level.
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Depression or stress
Another cause of fatigue may be depression or stress. Sometimes we do not realize that we are encountering this problem but only see its signs such as feeling tired, lack of inspiration and unmotivated. Perhaps you should also consider whether something deep causes you to feel that way. Is there anything more stressful than you think? Do you feel depressed or touched by what? These feelings are normal but if they last, you should think about talking to someone.
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Exercise and diet can also help reduce stress and depression as well as a good way to relax. Caring for both your soul and your body is important because emotional stress can affect both.
Unbalanced blood sugar
Affected by the diet, blood sugar imbalance can lead to a lack of energy. If you use a lot of canned foods or foods with a high sugar content, you may suffer from fatigue due to a phenomenon called " sugar crash " - fatigue caused by consuming a large amount of carbohydrates. If this is the case, you need to reduce the amount of sugar consumed to balance blood sugar. This means reducing refined sugar in the diet - sugar from fruits is healthier so there is no need to avoid it. But if you find yourself tending to like sweets, consider temporarily using the sugar for a while to see if there is any difference.
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Pathological problems
If you think your diet is healthy, you've had enough water, haven't had any stress problems, and still exercise regularly and still feel tired, then the problem is probably in your state of health. healthy
There are many causes of fatigue such as anemia - blood cells have difficulty making red blood cells (responsible for oxygen transport in the body). Other problems can be chronic fatigue, CFS, sleep disorders, thyroid problems, leukemia and many other diseases. You cannot diagnose yourself but see your doctor and mention your worries.
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So remember that even if you get enough sleep every day, sleep quality is an important factor to help reduce fatigue. Lifestyle changes can bring many unexpected benefits, so try to make small changes and see the differences they bring over time.
Author: Jenny Marchal
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