Step 2: Open Epic Games Launcher and log in with your Epic Games Store account .
Step 3: At the main interface, select Death Stranding in the Free Games section .
The fastest way to download and play Death Stranding on PC for free Picture 1
Step 4: Click Get at the main interface of the game
The fastest way to download and play Death Stranding on PC for free Picture 2
- Check I have a read and agree . => Accept , agree to the terms of the publisher => click Place Order to receive the Death Stranding PC game for free.
The fastest way to download and play Death Stranding on PC for free Picture 3
Step 5: Next, switch to the Library tab and select Death Stranding .
The fastest way to download and play Death Stranding on PC for free Picture 4
- Click Install , download and install Death Stranding on PC for free.
+ The Death Stranding download process takes place immediately afterward.
The fastest way to download and play Death Stranding on PC for free Picture 5
To play Death Stranding on your PC, you just need to click on the game icon after successful installation. Finally, start your journey and explore the amazing story, learn the mysteries of Death Stranding. Wishing you hours of enjoyable and memorable gaming.