The Adobe Flash update may contain malware that digs encrypted money

A fake Adobe update package containing new pre-encrypted malware was discovered by researchers from security firm Palo Alto Networks. This counter installed a valid Adobe Flash version that hides a bot called XMRig that is used to exploit Monero pre-coding.

A fake Adobe update package containing new pre-encrypted malware was discovered by researchers from security firm Palo Alto Networks. This counter installed a valid Adobe Flash version that hides a bot called XMRig that is used to exploit Monero pre-coding.

The fact that a valid Adobe Flash update is actually installed in this malicious file makes it easy for people to mislead users and take advantage of their device to exploit encryption.

The researchers discovered 113 cases of fake AdobeFlashPlayer files and believed users were directed to these files through fake URL links. After the user accesses the URL link and installs a valid Flash update, the XMRig bot will connect to a coin Monero digging pool, and start working.

The Adobe Flash update may contain malware that digs encrypted money Picture 1The Adobe Flash update may contain malware that digs encrypted money Picture 1
Queries to a pool of Monero encrypted coins.

Malware infected devices will operate at full capacity to exploit pre-coding. The exploited Monero coins will be directed to the address of a single e-wallet.

The Adobe Flash update may contain malware that digs encrypted money Picture 2The Adobe Flash update may contain malware that digs encrypted money Picture 2 The electronic wallet address is transferred to Monero coins.

According to researchers, this fake Adobe update has just been available since early August.

The emergence of exploits of pre-encrypted and cryptojacking malware is no longer a new phenomenon, but fraudsters through pre-coding are proving their creativity.

Currently, Adobe has yet to give any feedback on this incident.

How to protect your computer against malware digging virtual money

  1. Install antivirus and system protection software, update regularly to promptly detect and prevent malware from entering your computer.
  2. Carefully check the origin and file name of the updated popup. Do not install if you find them unreliable.
  3. Pay attention to unusual changes on your computer such as a system that slows down abruptly, uses more resources than usual .
  4. Download all genuine and reputable web software.

How to handle when the computer is infected with virtual code, you can follow in the article "What to do when the computer is infected with the virus to protect virtual money?".

See more:

  1. How to identify a link is safe?
  2. Warning, the botnet campaign called GhostDNS is taking over more than 100000 routers
  3. Smartphone can also be exploited by hackers to dig virtual money illegally
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