Technology can help people with supernatural abilities 'read thoughts, telepathy'?

We often know the telepathy or the ability to read other people's thoughts in sci-fi films. But with new appropriate technology, anyone can achieve this supernatural power in the future.

We often know the telepathy or the ability to read other people's thoughts in sci-fi films. But with new appropriate technology, anyone can achieve this supernatural power in the future.

  1. Scientists create machines that can read your mind, up to 70% accurate
  2. Successfully decipher complex thoughts in the human brain

Mary Lou Jepsen, Facebook's former screen technology director, Openwater founder, aims to create a mind-reading device that works as a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine. " I know how to get the basic functions of a million-dollar MRI machine into a compact wearable device like a ski cap," she said.

Technology can help people with supernatural abilities 'read thoughts, telepathy'? Picture 1Technology can help people with supernatural abilities 'read thoughts, telepathy'? Picture 1
The wearable device model follows the image of the company that started Openwater.(Photo: Openwater.)

At that time, we just need to wear a hat to convey our thoughts to others without saying or sending any messages.

While MRI technology uses magnetic fields and radio waves to photograph organs inside the human body, Openwater technology relies on infrared to scan the brain to make the device smaller and cheaper. The hat is made of fabric that integrates with extremely small flexible LCD screens, enough to reproduce projected images, combined with thermal body detection devices to scan the brain with MRI resolution. Since then, LCD screens can systematically or selectively scan the brain or body parts.

Dr. Jepsen even wants to study this technology in a way that allows sending data to the Internet and downloading or enhancing the most natural memory, thoughts and emotions.

As expected, Openwater will provide a limited number of important partners in 2018 and after 8 years, the technology will help telepathy become reality like in the Matrix movie.

In addition to Openwater, there are many other competitors who are trying to make the dream of communicating with ideas come true. For example, Facebook is developing a computer-brain interface (BCI) analog device that allows humanity to prepare to enter the era of future smart machines or the Kernel, a company trying to reach The goal is to invent a false nervous system, which can program the neurotransmitters of the brain.

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