For the first time in history, scientists successfully connected the human brain to the Internet

Successfully connecting the human brain to the global Internet network is a new technological breakthrough made by a team of scientists from Wits University in South Africa.

Successfully connecting the human brain to the global Internet network is a new technological breakthrough made by a team of scientists from Wits University in South Africa.

  1. Found a way to "copy" knowledge directly into the brain like science fiction movies
  2. Successfully decipher complex thoughts in the human brain

This research project called 'Brainternet' (a combination of Brain and Internet), will turn your brain into an Internet of Things node in the World Wide Web.

For the first time in history, scientists successfully connected the human brain to the Internet Picture 1For the first time in history, scientists successfully connected the human brain to the Internet Picture 1
Emotiv EEG device reads the signal.

Through a device called Emotiv EEG, brainwave signals will be collected, transferred to a Raspberry Pi computer for processing and converted into digital data. After that, they will be shared directly on an open website that anyone can use.

Brainternet, Brainternet, opens up a new limit in connecting the brain to the computer, said Adam Pantanowitz, head of the project. Currently, we have only a little data about how the brain processes information. With Brainternet, we can understand the brain, as well as help computer systems better understand how the brain works more simply.

For the first time in history, scientists successfully connected the human brain to the Internet Picture 2For the first time in history, scientists successfully connected the human brain to the Internet Picture 2
Mr. Adam Pantanowitz, the head of the Brainternet project.

Today, Adam Pantanowitz's team is aiming to help the brain and computer system interact with each other, based on Brainternet analysis. They hope, will soon discover the secrets of the human brain based on these data.

This method also opens the door to developing many other technologies in the future, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. We will be able to create computer systems that accurately simulate how the brain works and find ways to use computers, the Internet interact with the brain and enhance the power of the brain. Brain.

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