Symantec: more than 1100 computers were attacked by botnets

According to Symantec, a new botnet system has been discovered that affects more than 1100 different computers. - According to Symantec, a new botnet system has been discovered that affects more than 1100 different computers of the UK National Health Service - NHS. Also according to detailed reports from Symantec () this computer system has been infected with Qakbot botnet (W32.Qakbot).

Symantec: more than 1100 computers were attacked by botnets Picture 1Symantec: more than 1100 computers were attacked by botnets Picture 1 Security experts added that Qakbot botnet operates on the basis of controlling computer systems that connect together and steal important and sensitive information. Once they have fixed the location of the victim, they immediately upload the stolen data to the server built in via the FTP protocol. This data includes: online banking accounts, credit, business information records and email addresses of other social networks .

While there is no clear and concrete evidence that the information or data of customers, users . has been stolen. According to Orla Cox, a senior security system manager at Symantec said: This is really a huge potential threat . Once they have successfully penetrated the operating environment of the system, they will not ignore any data information, even the smallest. While the NHS has not released official information about the incident, ZDNet said the NHS has been warned by Symantec, and is now conducting research and further analysis of the evidence.

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