Emerging new attack worms via Yahoo! Messenger

A new worm, attacking through Yahoo! Messenger, has just appeared and is spreading rapidly in the community of users of this online conversation software
A new worm, attacking through Yahoo! Messenger, has just appeared and is spreading rapidly in the community of users of this online conversation software .

According to information from the network security department of Bkis (Bkis Security), a few days back, many people received from Yahoo's nick of friends the messages with the link shown as an image file. If you click on this link, the browser will download an exe file containing malicious code.


Emerging new attack worms via Yahoo! Messenger Picture 1Emerging new attack worms via Yahoo! Messenger Picture 1
Messages containing malicious code sent via Yahoo!Messenger.

When the user opens the downloaded exe file, the computer will immediately be infected with the virus. Meanwhile, it is Yahoo! Messenger running on this computer becomes the source of spreading malware to Yahoo! Other Messenger. The virus will continue to automatically send unique links to accounts in the Yahoo! Messenger of the user.

Emerging new attack worms via Yahoo! Messenger Picture 2Emerging new attack worms via Yahoo! Messenger Picture 2
The malicious exe file is disguised as an image file


Bkis said the attack of this new virus is similar to the worms that have spread through Yahoo! Messenger before, but the level of danger is much greater because the type of camouflage of this worm makes users think that friends share photos so they are not wary, easily click on the link and open the file.

Emerging new attack worms via Yahoo! Messenger Picture 3Emerging new attack worms via Yahoo! Messenger Picture 3
The file information shows that this is an exe file.

Bkav antivirus software recognizes this worm as W32.Ymfocard.Worm. When infected on a user's computer, the worm automatically pops up the open window to a web page, and automatically sends links that propagate via Yahoo! Messenger.

Bkis recommends that Yahoo! Messenger should be alert when receiving strange links, even if they are sent from close friends, and regularly update the latest version of antivirus software to protect the computer.

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