Summary of Warcraft 3 codes, the most standard Warcraft 3 money orders
Normally when you start playing a new game you will have to spend a lot of time to explore all the features in the game. To be faster, users often use game support codes such as Warcraft currency codes, GTA codes. With the game GTA Vice City, users often use GTA codes to play the game more easily.
And the same goes for the game Warcraft 3. But in fact, players can use the codes to get items and support the most convenient gameplay. To play Warcraft 3 best, let's look at the commands and general Warcraft 3 strategy game codes.
First, download Warcraft 3 to your computer to install and start playing this strategy game.
Warcraft 3 game Cheat code for DDay map
After selecting a champion, type the following command to activate cheat
- hung: for map DDay 19.9b
Then use the following commands to ask for more gold, Strength, Agility, or intelligence
- More gold: gold xxxx ( xxxx is the number money you want )
- Add Str : str xxxx
- Add Agi : agi xxxx
- Add Int : -int xxxx
- Increase Lv : -lvl xxxx
Warcraft 3 Frzen Throne cheatcodes
+ Speed up house construction: WarpTen
+ Quick revival: IocainePowder
+ Immortality: WhosYourDaddy
+ Money: KeyserSoze [amount]
+ Wood: LeafitToMe [quantity]
+ Money + wood: GreedIsGood [quantity]
+ Immortal Food (chicken thigh): PointBreak
+ Mana Immortality: ThereIsNoSpoon
+ Jump level: Motherland [race level]
+ Open map: IseeDeadPeople
Summary of Warcraft 3 codes, the most standard Warcraft 3 money orders Picture 1
Warcraft 3 codes, warcraft precodes
Cheat code game warcraft 3
- allyourbasearebelongtous —> Instant win
- somebodysetusupthebomb —-> Instant loss
- iseedeadpeople —-> View map (map)
- strengthandhonor —-> Continue playing after losing a stage in the campaign
- pointbreak —-> Immortality farm
- thedudeabides —–> Removes skill cooldown
- itvexesme —–> break the battle conditions
- keysersoze #—-> Number of gold # (# is the amount of gold you need)
- leafittome #—-> Lumber number (wood) # (# is the lumber number you need)
- greedisgood #—-> Number of gold and lumber # (# is the number you need)
- warpten —-> build quickly
- iocainepowder —-> Die quickly
- whoisyourdaddy —-> Immortal
- sharpandshiny —-> Upgrade all
- synergy —–> Turn off the Tech Tree condition in the campaign
- riseandshine —-> Time in the morning
- lightsout —–> Time in the evening
- thereisnospoon —-> Immortal mana
- abrakadabra —-> Remove the tree
- ihavethepower —-> Your troops are level 10
- lamisilat —> 20 footmen
- TenthLevelTaurenChieftain —-> Listen to the credits track (single mode only)
- whosthebomb (color) —> change Death color to color.
Summary of Warcraft 3 codes, the most standard Warcraft 3 money orders Picture 2
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne revolves around the battle between four warrior races: the human race; tree race; monster race; witch race. You will choose one of these tribes and quests and control characters, generals and armies to fight against opposing forces, while searching and exploring new lands. The game builds a large context with fierce battlefields and construction works in a realistic 3D game space.
In addition, if you are a fan of the most attractive shooting game ever, Half Life, then you should not ignore the Half Life code set to help you play the game more professionally. Full Half life command code helps you be more confident when confronting enemies
MineCraft is also a game loved by young people, similar to Warcraft or GTA. MineCraft or GTA with GTA codes also supports minecraft codes , minecraft commands help players experience the game better and as unique as GTA codes. .
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