Strategies to know when playing The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores

Strategies to know when playing The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores, Important strategies to help gamers The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores survive in the world

The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores is a survival, real-time strategy game where players need to gather resources to build and craft the necessary structures and tools. Your goal is to try to survive the monsters and bandits in an interesting and unique world map.

In this article, let's explore the key strategies that help The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores gamers survive in the game's vast world.

Understand the basic mechanics of the game

Like all strategy games, The Bonfire 2 Uncharted Shores will require gathering resources to build, upgrade, and grow overall in the game.

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The game doesn't allow building new workers with meat or something like that, so make sure to build things in the most efficient way available at the time. Before doing anything, players should go into settings and turn off autosave. Sometimes requests from NPCs will be difficult and use up resources again and again.

Choose the place to place the fire wisely

The game begins with the player having to name his village and choose where to place the bonfire. The game rotates between night and day, with the day asking the workers to do their duty and the night being a time to eat and rest. At night is also the time when monsters attack, and while being attacked, villagers will run towards the forest, even running through hordes of attacking monsters and being destroyed.

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Since gamers can't create new workers, remember to put a bonfire near the forest so you don't have to deal with units being destroyed by not having a backup plan. Also, look out for the exclamation marks around the bonfire, those are usually villagers trying to get into the city. They will be very useful, but mean gamers will need more resources.

Collect, develop and store

Each villager has specific stats and that helps them to have better roles as workers or guards. The player needs to split the villagers up and rotate them. While the worker works, the guard sleeps and vice versa, when the guard is on guard, the worker will sleep. Moreover, the monsters will become more difficult as the match progresses, so make sure to defend carefully.

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Always build what's available so you don't miss an upgrade or new building. When starting to work on new items, do not forget to equip them with their respective workers. Each villager has its own stats and perks, and putting the right people in the right jobs is also essential for the good development of the village.

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Players need food to keep the villagers alive, as well as stock up on materials like wood and minerals to build and grow. At some point, gamers are easily tempted to upgrade already owned buildings. However, it would be much more useful to just expand the village with bridges and build new buildings. In addition, there are some resources that are only available at the edges of the map, so expansion is necessary.

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