Samsung is accused of selling laptops infected with keylogger

Samsung Electronics is investigating allegations that some of its R-series laptops contain keylogger software. This software is used to record whatever users type on that laptop.

Samsung Electronics is investigating allegations that some of its R-series laptops contain keylogger software. This software is used to record whatever users type on that laptop.

Samsung is accused of selling laptops infected with keylogger Picture 1Samsung is accused of selling laptops infected with keylogger Picture 1

An IT consultant named Mohamed Hassan said he had encountered this problem last month before buying a Samsung R525 laptop at Best Buy in Toronto. This laptop contains keylogger software and was immediately removed by him. Two weeks later, Hassan decided to buy a new laptop with a stronger configuration. He chose to buy Samsung R540 model at another store. However, this laptop also contains keylogger software.

Hassan said: ' This laptop is completely new and nobody has used it. However, not only one model is infected with keyloggers. I bought the second machine in two different stores but all had this problem. That said, Samsung knows well about keyloggers on laptops sold '. Samsung's tech support told him: ' We just put the keylogger there to detect how the computer is used '.

Samsung spokesman Jason Redmond said Samsung is considering Hassan's allegations.

De Willebois Consulting, the company that created the StarLogger software, has no response. On the company's website, StarLogger is completely undetectable and it boots whenever the computer boots. They record everything that is typed on the computer, including emails, messages, documents, web pages, usernames, passwords, etc. The software also captures images on the computer screen.

However, if it is confirmed that a keylogger is placed on a laptop, Samsung may be in big trouble.

Keyloggers are often used by hackers to steal sensitive information including usernames and passwords from victim computers, but Willebois' website describes the legal use of this software. Accordingly, they will be used to monitor children's Internet activity or restore text in the event of a computer crash.

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