Russian spacecraft 'resupply' successfully 3 tons of cargo for the ISS in just 3 hours

Currently, Progress 75 is moored at the ISS at a height of 260 miles (418 km) northwest of China, and will remain there until December.

At 1:51 am on April 25 GMT, the Soyuz rocket carrying the Progress 75 transport spacecraft was successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrom space airport in Kazakhstan. It took only 3 hours and 20 minutes after that, Progress 75 successfully connected with the International Space Station (ISS), successfully completing the mission to supply 2.7 tons of fuel, food and other necessary materials. to the International Space Station (ISS) in record time. This is the fourth cargo ship, flying to ISS in a super-short diagram, and is also the fastest spacecraft in the history of flights to the ISS.

Currently, Progress 75 is moored at the ISS at an altitude of 260 miles (418 km) northwest of China, and will remain there until December. The number of supplies brought by the ship plays a role It is very important to maintain the operation of ISS in the future, including 420 liters of water, 46kg of oxygen, 650kg of fuel 46kg of gas and 1,350kg of food, medicine, hygiene materials, and equipment. Other essential research.

Russian spacecraft 'resupply' successfully 3 tons of cargo for the ISS in just 3 hours Picture 1Russian spacecraft 'resupply' successfully 3 tons of cargo for the ISS in just 3 hours Picture 1 International Space Station (ISS)

ISS is one of the few strategic cooperation projects among the leading countries in the field of aerospace. This space station has been orbiting the Earth since 1998 to about 28,000 km / h. The ISS station can hold up to nine scientists, but usually only three astronauts are present on this space station, currently scientists: Chris Cassidy (American), Ivan Vagner (Russian ) and Anatoly Ivanishin (Russian). However, in the next month, two other scientists, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley (both Americans) will join the ISS team on a manned flight of SpaceX being deployed in May.

After completing all work until December of this year, Progress 75 will be removed from the ISS and flew back to earth. The previous cargo resupply was made on December 6, 2019, and it took up to 3 days for the spacecraft to successfully connect to the ISS.

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