Eliport robots will deliver goods without humanity

The Eliport robot is an automatic 4-wheel self-propelled robot that will start by lifting 30-40 kg (66 to 88 lb) cargo in a certain cargo warehouse.

Today, people are thinking of delivering goods thanks to drone devices. However, not only that, Barcelona-based Eliport has recently launched a new line of robots to perform this task. And it's called Robot Eliport.

Eliport robots will deliver goods without humanity Picture 1Eliport robots will deliver goods without humanity Picture 1

The Eliport robot is an automatic 4-wheel robot that will start by lifting 30-40 kg (66 to 88 lb) cargo at a certain cargo warehouse.

This robot is guided by GPS and 3D map of the neighborhood they are operating, then they will continue to the destination by walking along the sidewalk at the speed of a pedestrian. Once they reach the destination, they will automatically transfer their goods to a pre-loaded safe container, from which the recipient can receive it after delivery.

This robot will avoid obstacles such as pedestrians by equipping 10 to 14 sensors including video cameras, LiDAR (light detection and zoom) and radar. They will be able to move up to 25km (16 miles) for a full charge.

If necessary, humans will be able to open the robot's cargo compartment to manually add or dismantle the cargo, although access to the open compartment is only possible through face detection or security-based systems. code provided.

Eliport is currently raising funds for its new project through the Start Engine website, with support from investors.

Hopefully the first robot will be completed in October, with the first automated prototype coming out in 2020, and fully deployable by 2021.

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