If you don't want cancer to knock on the door, don't forget to apply sunscreen to your eyelids!
Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your eyelids: The UV image below will help us remember up to 10% of the face when applying sunscreen to help cancer knock on the door sooner.
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Surely we are too familiar with the warning that excessive exposure to the sun will seriously damage the skin, which can lead to skin cancer. But it will be easy to ignore those helpful tips when you don't see those negative consequences with the naked eye. Let's take a look at the photos below to see the negative effects!
If you don't want cancer to knock on the door, don't forget to apply sunscreen to your eyelids! Picture 1
Try answering honestly, you often apply sunscreen but often overlook the eyelid right?
The negative consequences of this habit cannot be seen directly with the naked eye, but the images below will really make you more serious about applying that sunscreen.
Researchers at the University of Liverpool used a special camera to photograph how many volunteers had covered sunscreen on volunteers.
As a result, people often ignore 1/10 of the facial skin - usually the eyelid, the area between the inner eye and the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose - without knowing that this is the most common area of cancer. skin.
If you don't want cancer to knock on the door, don't forget to apply sunscreen to your eyelids! Picture 2 Research shows that most people apply sunscreen often miss the position around the eye area.
If you don't want cancer to knock on the door, don't forget to apply sunscreen to your eyelids! Picture 3 The researchers asked the volunteers to apply sunscreen on their face without giving any further instructions.
If you don't want cancer to knock on the door, don't forget to apply sunscreen to your eyelids! Picture 4 It is worth noting here that more than 90% of basal cell carcinomas - the most common type of skin cancer in the UK - appear in the neck and head;5 - 10% of the remaining skin cancers appear on the eyelids.
How research is done
If you don't want cancer to knock on the door, don't forget to apply sunscreen to your eyelids! Picture 5
The study was conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Liverpool on 57 people. They asked the study participants to put sunscreen on their face but no further instructions were given.
Then, they used an ultraviolet sensor camera to take pictures before and after applying sunscreen to their face.
Experts warn that people often ignore 9.5% of the facial skin - usually the eyelid (13.5%), the area between the inner eye and the nasal bridge, the tip of the nose (77%) - but Do not know that this is the most common area of skin cancer.
Even, even if the research participants were informed about eyelid skin cancer, there was only a slight improvement in the application, with 8% of the skin on the face still unprotected .
Wear sunglasses
If you don't want cancer to knock on the door, don't forget to apply sunscreen to your eyelids! Picture 6
The scientific community emphasized that the eye area is the thin, most sensitive skin, so it is easy to be aging and affected by the environment . Just a small effect of ultraviolet (UV) light is also very vulnerable to this skin.
UV UV can be divided into 2 categories: UVA ( wavelength from 320 - 400nm ) and UVB ( wavelength from 280 - 320nm ). These rays have a very short wavelength, penetrating through the shielding layers to the skin and deeper. In it, UVA penetrates the skin deeper than UVB, destroys collagen protein structure, causing the skin to lose its smoothness and elasticity, leading to the appearance of wrinkles. Besides, UVB rays are thought to be the leading cause of sunburn. Both types can cause skin cancer, both benign and malignant.
Therefore, experts recommend that we pay special attention to this sensitive area as well as not forget the sunscreen for them. In addition, sunglasses should be worn to protect the eyes from UV penetration.
" It is worrisome that people seem to have a habit of applying sunscreen before going out, but it is easy to forget the skin around the eyes, nose - the position most likely to be affected by UV rays. So, be more aware and remember to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as well as the skin around your eyelids to avoid cancer of evil monsters , "said Dr. Kevin Hamill - research participant. .
According to statistics from the American Academy of Dermatology, regular use of sunscreen will help protect the skin from sunburn and reduce the risk of cancer by up to 40% - 50% . In addition, sunscreens contain antioxidants that create a second defense against sunlight. Some typical substances may include Vitamin E, Vitamin C and DESM.
In particular, try to avoid the road at the time of the most intense UV rays - from 10am - 15pm!
See also: 6 things to do to avoid the consequences of staying up late
Having fun!
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