Ranking of the smartest AI chatbots today

LMSYS, an organization specializing in evaluating and ranking the capabilities of major language models, has released a ranking of the smartest chatbots today - Chatbot Arena.

LMSYS, an organization specializing in evaluating and ranking the capabilities of major language models, has released a ranking of the smartest chatbots today - "Chatbot Arena".

According to LMSYS's "Chatbot Arena" ranking, ChatGPT has been "overtaken" and is no longer the smartest AI chatbot today. Topping the list today is the Claude 3 Opus large language model used to develop the Claude AI chatbot developed by San Francisco-based startup Anthropic.

A year ago, LMSYS launched the "Chatbot Arena" rankings. This ranking is constantly updated and OpenAI's GPT is always at the top. However, currently ChatGPT has been "usurped".

Ranking of the smartest AI chatbots today Picture 1Ranking of the smartest AI chatbots today Picture 1

The ranking shows that there is very little difference in the evaluation scores of the three major language models leading in the ranking. This shows that the intelligence level of chatbots built on these three language models is equivalent.

The top 8 positions in the top 10 smartest major language models all belong to American companies. Contributing in the 9th and 10th positions are the Mistral-Large-2402 language model of the French technology company Mistral and the Qwen1.5-72B-Chat of the Chinese technology company Alibaba.

Experts predict ChatGPT will soon return to the leading position in the AI-integrated chatbot race when OpenAI launches a completely new GPT-5 language model, with many improvements compared to the current GPT-4.

LMSYS (Large Model Systems) Organization is an organization for research on AI systems and evaluation of large language models, founded by AI experts at the University of California Berkeley, University of California San Diego and Carnegie Mellon University.

"Chatbot Arena" is a ranking of the most popular and widely used major language models today based on reviews from experts and reviews from the user community when using chatbots in practice. .

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