ChatGPT is no longer the smartest, allowing use even without an account

The new move is described as helping everyone experience the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI).

ChatGPT is no longer the smartest, allowing use even without an account Picture 1ChatGPT is no longer the smartest, allowing use even without an account Picture 1

Now, simply opening ChatGPT's app or website will immediately bring users to the "How can I help you today?" loading screen, with optional buttons to register or log in.

OpenAI also said it has added increased protections for users without accounts, compared to logged in users. One of them is limiting image creation to certain content categories.

An OpenAI spokesperson also said that teams developing accountless usage mechanisms will be constantly on duty to prevent threats from the new model.

According to statistics, more than 100 million people in 185 countries use ChatGPT every week. These are incredible numbers for a service that has been in operation for less than 2 years, and comes from a young company that few people knew about before.

However, ChatGPT is also facing many competitive efforts. Recently, the newly published ranking of LMSYS, an organization specializing in evaluating and ranking the capabilities of large language models, shows that the large language model Claude 3 Opus, developed by Anthropic, the startup based in San Francisco (USA), has surpassed OpenAI's GPT-4-1106-preview to become the world's smartest language model.

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