DriverMax PRO is an driver update software, which automatically backs up drivers to minimize the problem of freezes or system crashes.

Currently, DriverMax PRO (worth 57.75 USD) is being granted a 1 year free license by developer Innovative Solutions. If you need to use, please register and follow the instructions below to be able to own DriverMax PRO software without spending any money.

Please download DriverMax, Driver installation tool to help the computer work better, priced at 57.75 USD, now free Picture 1
DriverMax Pro 2019 interface

Outstanding features of DriverMax PRO

  1. Update, backup and restore missing drivers, outdated for over 2,300,000 devices.
  2. Automatically download and install.
  3. Constantly updating the company's latest driver.
  4. Before installing on the computer, DriverMax automatically checks for new drivers to ensure efficient operation.
  5. DriverMax supports: Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 / Vista / XP and Windows Server all versions.

Guide to get free license software Driver Max PRO 1 year

Note: Free DriverMax PRO donation program does not support Vietnam, so you need to use the software to change the IP before registering to receive free copyright code.

Step 1: Fake IP, this software of Germany, I used VPN Gate to find forever unable to see Germany, so I fake it to Austria (Austria), neighbors of Germany can still see it. If you skip this step, you will still receive a message like step 3, step 4, but the activation code will be DMX-COUNTRY-NOT-ALLOWED, and the software cannot be activated.

Please download DriverMax, Driver installation tool to help the computer work better, priced at 57.75 USD, now free Picture 2

Step 2: Visit the link below: 

Step 3 : Fill out the information> check Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung gelesen und akzeptiert (I have read and accept the privacy policy), remember to check the bottom button, don't tick the button above, they will send promotional emails all day there. When you're done, click on Absenden (Submit).

Please download DriverMax, Driver installation tool to help the computer work better, priced at 57.75 USD, now free Picture 3

Step 4: Check your email> click on the link in the mail to receive more emails containing download links and copyright activation code.

Please download DriverMax, Driver installation tool to help the computer work better, priced at 57.75 USD, now free Picture 4

Step 5: Click the download link to download and install the software on the computer, remember to select the language is English, if it does not show German, then cry :))

Please download DriverMax, Driver installation tool to help the computer work better, priced at 57.75 USD, now free Picture 5

Once installed, open the software, go back to the email to copy the code. You only need to copy the code that the software has detected and ask if you want to register, you agree, enter the password for the account to complete activation and receive the message as shown below:

Please download DriverMax, Driver installation tool to help the computer work better, priced at 57.75 USD, now free Picture 6

This is the DriverMax interface after activating, no longer becomes a Pro in the upper right corner.

Please download DriverMax, Driver installation tool to help the computer work better, priced at 57.75 USD, now free Picture 7

Please download and activate soon, only 11 hours left.

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