On iOS 11.4, iPhone without unlocking for 1 week will be blocked USB connection

Apple has recently added a new security feature for iOS that can greatly affect users.

Apple has recently added a new security feature for iOS that can greatly affect users.

Currently, Apple is releasing iOS 11.4 beta for programmers and users participating in the test program. During use, programmers discovered on iOS 11.4 beta have a mode called 'USB Restricted Mode', which will disable data via USB but still allow the device to charge if in a phone week never unlocked (both by passcode and biometric).

This is not the first time Restricted Mode USB security feature appears. Previously, it had been supplemented by Apple on iOS 11.3 beta but was removed when the release was officially released. It is possible that USB Restricted Mode will be retained on iOS 11.4 officially.

On iOS 11.4, iPhone without unlocking for 1 week will be blocked USB connection Picture 1On iOS 11.4, iPhone without unlocking for 1 week will be blocked USB connection Picture 1
GrayKey, the tool that can crack all iPhone.

This security feature brought back by Apple may be due to the emergence of GrayKey, a tool capable of unlocking all iPhones. However, police can still unlock the iPhone, iPad with GrayKey if there is still 7 days, before USB Restricted Mode is activated.

Currently, Apple has not announced specifically how USB Restricted Mode works so for more details we have to wait for the official iOS 11.4 version only.

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