Older people should eat butter every day to enhance their eyes and memory health

A new finding suggests that older people should eat butter every day because it enhances memory and enhances eye health.
  1. Experience in selecting delicious avocados without soaking chemicals
  2. The mistakes many people make when eating butter

A new finding suggests that older people should eat butter every day because it enhances memory and enhances eye health.

According to a recent study, 40 healthy adults aged 50 and older, eating fresh avocados for 6 months each day increased their lutein levels by 25% and improved cognitive function.

Lutein is a pigment commonly found in fruits and vegetables, it often accumulates in the blood, eyes and brain and can act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Older people should eat butter every day to enhance their eyes and memory health Picture 1Older people should eat butter every day to enhance their eyes and memory health Picture 1

A group of researchers from Tufts University in the United States track the gradual growth of lutein in the eye and its impact on cognitive development, memory measured by tests built to hit memory price, processing speed and attention level of the human brain.

In contrast, the control group did not eat avocado with little improvement in cognitive health during the study period.

According to Elizabeth Johnson of Tufts University, the fat, fiber, lutein and other biologically active substances in avocados are particularly effective in enriching neuronal lutein levels, which can be beneficial for eye health, not just for brain health.

According to Johnson, the results of the new study showed that the lutein content in the eyes doubled in the consumers of fresh avocado in the control group that did not use butter.

This study is confirmed based on the average daily consumption of butter containing 369 microgrammes of lutein.

Not only that, scientists also said they are continuing to study the role, how to transform the body if the consumption of avocado is about 1/3 of a day.

This research has just been published in Nutrients.

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