Not any organization, but these families are quietly controlling the world

The mysteries of the wealthy families holding the wealth of wealth of hundreds of billions of dollars have become a hot topic of interest worldwide.

Many of us often think that some mysterious organization is quietly controlling our world, but this is not true at all. People who are truly silently controlling this world are the most notorious families in the world and possess huge assets that you can't believe. So who are those families and how much property do they have so they can control the world?

  1. Rothschild - The richest family of all time

1. Rothschild family

If you talk about the most influential and richest family, it is impossible not to mention the Rothschild family. This is one of the most affluent and affluent families in the world with a wealth of 1,000 billion dollars worth of this family's wealth of wealth, equivalent to $ 500 billion for each person in this family. .

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This Rothschild family has been widely known as a global financial advisory center since the 1760s, because at this time five sons of Mayer Amschel Rothschild are working at five of Europe's largest financial centers. that period.

Not only that, Rothschild also made the world admire when he was now a financial supporter for the royal palaces and various government systems in Europe in the 19th century, including both opposing factions in the Napoleonic War.

" Rothschild brokers and advisers to European kings and republican leaders in the Americas " this is a description in an article about the family's financial power at that time. hours.

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Thus, we can also see the wealth and power of this family. To maintain their financial control around the world, the family also adopted the US Federal Reserve.

2. Morgan family

In addition to the Rothschilds, the Morgan family was also one of the richest families of the time. By shaking hands with the Rothschild family, the US Department of Finance lent 3.5 million ounces of gold to stabilize the economy and the family that provided gold to the government that the Morgan family had Established the largest US corporations including General Electric, AT&T and US Steel.

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With its strong influence on the US Treasury, this Morgan family was behind the US to participate in World War I to redeem itself to protect their loans for with Russia and France.

Not stopping there, the family silently stood behind Japanese support to attack Pearl Harbor in order to steal and distribute profits from the two largest Japanese Imperial corporations at that time, Mitsubishi and Mitsui.

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Today, this Morgan family is one of the families owning the largest private gold reserve in the world.

3. The Rockefeller family

In 1870, thanks to the oil business, John D. Rockefeller became one of the wealthiest individuals of all time, with a huge fortune of up to $ 400 billion.

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With the financing of UN operations and the establishment of the Bilderberg Secret Society - the gathering place of the Rockefeller family's most powerful individuals made Theodore Roosevelt the president of the United States at that time worried. afraid of the above plans of this family.

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Today, the Rockefeller family continues their plans by controlling large corporations including Chase Manhattan Bank, ExxonMobil, Chevron and BP.

4. The Du Pont family

In 1802 in Delaware, a gun factory was built by the Éleuthère Irénée du Pont de Nemours, the historical milestone of the formation of the Du Pont family empire.

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Since its founding, the Du Pont Family has greatly influenced US policies, including the use of secret communications with Napoleon to negotiate a historic Louisiana Purchase agreement in 1803. Thanks to this negotiation, the United States acquired a large area of ​​territory from France.

Not only that, thanks to the production of gunpowder, during the First World War, Du Pont was greatly benefited as a supplier of 40% gunpowder worldwide. The company then provided the United States with a lot of plutonium to produce the world's first nuclear bombs for World War II.

Many people also believe that the Du Pont company itself is the powerful force behind supporting the US government in the fight against drugs to limit the cultivation of cannabis and enhance the cultivation of hemp to benefit yourself. .

Today, thanks to the development and investment of technology, the Du Pont Group is one of the world's second largest corporations in the production of genetically engineered seed (GMO) in the world.

5. The Bush family

The formation of this Bush family stems from Prescott Sheldon Bush - a person born in 1895 who is a member of the secret society called the Skull and Bones Society - this association is related to conspiracy to control the world.

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Prescott Sheldon Bush later led a coup called "Business Plot" with backing from many well-known tycoons like Rothschild, Rockefeller and Morgan to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevel in the year. 1933 and created a fascist dictatorship in the US, but this coup was completely failed.

Although the coup failed, it was carefully concealed to make Prescott S. Bush later become the chief executive of Union Banking Corporation - one of the banking groups that had been confiscated for suspected property. doubted to help the Nazis hide gold during World War II.

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Later, both son and grandson of Prescott S. Bush, George HW Bush and George W. Bush, both won the US presidency and all went to war against Iraq. These wars have contributed to huge profits for companies with close ties to the Bush family such as Halliburton or KBR.

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Today, thanks to the possession of considerable wealth in the oil and financial sectors, the Bush family has had a great influence on American politics. Besides, in 2016 Jeb Bush a member of this family is also trying to race the position of US President.

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