Mobile YouTube shows the total time to watch videos

Users can now know exactly how much time they spend on this video social network.

YouTube is Google's first product to own the Digital Wellbeing toolkit (to bring better life) announced at the event for Google I / O developers that took place in May this year.It includes a notification management and reminder tool for using this online music streaming platform.

Now, Google takes another step by adding a video viewing time tool, to help users know how much time they spend on YouTube and not to waste time.

On the blog site, Google said that 'Time Watched will give you a better understanding of when you use YouTube to make decisions, how to make YouTube fit your life.'

Time Watched started to be released today and will be in the User account menu.Statistics include time to watch on YouTube - including YouTube Music and YouTube TV - today, yesterday and within the last 7 days, along with average viewing hours.

Mobile YouTube shows the total time to watch videos Picture 1Mobile YouTube shows the total time to watch videos Picture 1
Statistics of YouTube viewing time

Note that these parameters are based on viewing history, so it is incorrect if you regularly delete YouTube viewing history.It is not clear how these parameters are calculated for YouTube videos that users view offline.Those who use multiple YouTube accounts will also have to log in to the main account to see this number.

Because Google takes this information seriously, Time Watched will be included in YouTube time management tools, including notification management and reminder.You can set the maximum time to watch YouTube and set the reminder to stop watching.You can also receive a single notification containing all the information at a time of your choice.

Mobile YouTube shows the total time to watch videos Picture 2Mobile YouTube shows the total time to watch videos Picture 2
YouTube time management tools

YouTube users can also turn off the feature to turn on the next video itself and turn off the vibration for a certain period of time on the same panel.

See more:

  1. YouTube launches a new anti-piracy tool, notifying authors if their content is stolen
  2. How to timer display YouTube notifications on iPhone and Android
  3. How to turn on the feature that prompts you to watch videos too long on Youtube
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