Instructions to play Lotería and how to win

Here is a guide on how to play the Lotería card and how to win it.

Lotería, also known as Lotería Mexicana and also known as Loteria, is a popular gambling game in Mexico. Loteria is similar to bingo, but uses the image on a 54-card deck instead of spinning balls like a traditional lottery. Each Lotería card will have a different image

To play Lotería, each player will have a tabla sheet with different images with 16 cards arranged in 4x4. A person will shuffle the deck of cards 54, then pick a card and read its name. If this card is in a player's tabla sheet. They will mark them with a bean or a chip, a crown cork, depending on the region.

When marking enough rows or corners previously agreed as a horizontal, vertical, or 4 cards in a corner. Players need to call "Lotería" right after placing enough beans to win. To know how to play Lotería specifically, you can see the playing instructions below and how to win the fastest offline.

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Guide to playing Lotería cards and the fastest way to win

Step 1: First, the player will have an agreement on how to win the tabla's sheet, including placing a column, horizontal row or four cards in a corner. Visit the link below to access Lotería on the web.

Link to play Lotería

Instructions to play Lotería and how to win Picture 1Instructions to play Lotería and how to win Picture 1

Step 2: At this time, the random card will be divided by cards, whichever card is in your tabla, please put a bean to mark that card.

Instructions to play Lotería and how to win Picture 2Instructions to play Lotería and how to win Picture 2

Just like that, the card will be dealt and you should mark any card that is on your tabla sheet.

Instructions to play Lotería and how to win Picture 3Instructions to play Lotería and how to win Picture 3

Until you have all 4 cards in the row specified, below your picture is a horizontal line. Then you click Lotería on the right to be the winner, it is important that you click on the Lotería button as soon as there are enough posts in a row. If you do not click, you will not win.

Instructions to play Lotería and how to win Picture 4Instructions to play Lotería and how to win Picture 4

Lotería's origins date back to Italy in the 15th century and were brought to Mexico in 1769. Lotería was originally an entertaining game for the upper class, but eventually it became a tradition and popularity. most in Mexico today.

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