Humanoid robot drives itself and obeys traffic signals

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have developed an AI-integrated humanoid robot named Musashi that can drive and obey traffic signals while moving.

Musashi has a "basically humanoid" design, but the robot's appearance is not really complete. However, it can still do some driving.

Musashi is equipped with two cameras on his head that are responsible for "seeing" the road ahead as well as the image behind the car reflected in the rearview mirror. The robot can control the steering wheel, turn the car key, pull the handbrake and turn on the turn signals thanks to its flexible mechanical hand. The foot part can press the accelerator pedal and brake pedal.

The research team provided raw data to the sensor to teach "Musashi how to use the steering wheel. Musashi can control the car seamlessly and obey traffic signs and lights."

Musashi has some disadvantages such as when cornering, it lifts its foot off the brake pedal and also does not press the accelerator or has difficulty maintaining a steady speed, mainly depending on the slope and incline of the road.

Musashi is still in the development stage, fixing bugs and perfecting features. Currently, researchers are still continuing to develop to soon release the next version.

According to predictions, it may take "several decades" to have a self-driving robot on the road.

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