How to Use the Productivity App Forest

Forest is an app designed to help you focus on your work, not your phone. The app is incredibly effective at helping you complete assignments, answer emails, and even spend time with friends without losing focus. With Forest, users grow digital trees using a timer, but if they close the app before the timer runs out, the tree will die! This article shows you how to download Forest and improve your concentration habits.

Download and install Forest

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Download the Forest app. You can download the app called 'Forest - Your Focus Motivation' on the App Store for iPhone or Google Play Store for Android.

Forest has a fee of 1.99 USD (about 45 thousand VND), but after payment, you can use all the features of the application.

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Open Forest. Open the Forest app on your home screen and read the instructions to begin setup.

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Create an account in Settings . Tap on the three dashes icon at the top of the screen, then open 'Settings'. Here, press 'Log In' under 'Account', then tap 'Sign Up' and follow the on-screen instructions.

Plant a tree

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Select the tree you want to plant on the app's home page. Open the home page and tap the tree in the middle of the circle, then select the tree you want to grow in the menu. You won't have many options when you first start, but you can buy more.

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Set a timer and stay focused. Adjust the focus time by moving the green dot in a circular path around the plant, then tap the 'Plant' button.

You can set the timer in 5-minute increments with each session having a minimum duration of 10 minutes.

If you turn off the app before the timer expires, the plant will die; So, try to stay focused!

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Collect plants and coins. After you complete your first concentration session, collect the coins from the displayed window and take a moment to reflect on your achievements.

Keep track of previous focus sessions via the menu

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Tap Forest and see the trees. The 'Forest' button in the menu will take you to the Forest; Green land with all the trees you have planted.

Forest also keeps dead trees intact to remind you of times when you couldn't concentrate and encourage you to keep trying.

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Filter Forest by the number of trees you have planted in each time period to easily track progress. Tap the 'Day', 'Week', 'Month' or 'Year' tab above the 'Forest' page to adjust the size of your forest.

This page also has a bar chart to help you keep track of when to plant your plants. The chart changes dramatically based on your information display choices; You will see information displayed in hours if you select 'Day', and information displayed in days if you select 'Week', etc.

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Click Timeline to see more information related to past focus sessions. With this feature, Forest allows you to browse the tree planting tracking table. The 'Timeline' provides information such as session start and end times, whether the tree is growing or dead, and tree tagging (see the next section for more on tagging).

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Tap Achievements to see metrics by milestone. The 'Achievements' page shows you badges earned for completing certain milestones, such as growing healthy plants over the course of seven days.

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Exchange results to receive rewards. Every time you achieve an achievement, you can exchange that achievement for a reward of coins.

Organize the tree using tags

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Tap Tags in the menu to categorize the tree. By entering your favorite tag in the 'Find or create tag' bar of the 'Tags' section and selecting 'Create', you can create categories to organize your tree.

Try using tags like 'Biology', 'Email' or 'Reading' to categorize plants by different activities.

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Plant a tree, then tag it with the pen icon. As the tree grows, a pen icon appears on the left side of the screen. After tapping this icon, you can select tags and notes for that tree.

Tags are also added by opening the 'Forest' page, selecting a tree, then adding tags and notes to that tree.

In the notes section, you can provide other information instead of just tagging. For example, you can add 'Mitosis' to the tree tagged 'Biology' to remind you of what you've learned.

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View tag statistics by scrolling down below the 'Forest' page. Below the plot and bar graph on the 'Forest' page, you will see a pie chart showing tag data.

This feature is extremely useful in helping you know which group of tasks you usually spend a lot of time on, when tasks are completed and not completed, when certain types of tasks are usually done, etc.

Customize your experience in 'Settings'

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Open Settings . The 'Settings' section is found in the app's menu, and is opened by tapping the three dashes icon in the top left corner of the home page.

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Click Planting Reminders , then add a reminder time using the plus button. After opening the 'Planting Reminders' screen, you will click on the plus sign in the top right corner of the screen. Here, you can set a timer for the app to remind you to plant a tree and schedule that reminder to repeat.

You can set up five reminders at a time, and each reminder can be turned on or off by pushing its slider to the right.

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Activate the 'Plant together' feature if you want to get together with friends. This is a feature that allows Forest app users to link their focus sessions together and plant multiple trees at the same time. If one person turns off the app and causes the tree to die, other people's trees will also die, so this is a useful feature to help you and others try to complete the goal.

Once enabled, you can open 'plant together' on the app's home screen by tapping the two people icon at the top center of the screen, swiping through the instructions, then clicking 'Create Room' (Create Room) or 'Join Room'.

Use coins

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Buy products from the store. After opening the store, you can use coins to buy new plants, background music, and other products.

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Plant trees on the 'Real Forest' page. This is a page that allows you to use 2500 coins to plant real trees; and that means your focused sessions make a positive impact on the world.

Through a partnership with Trees for the Future, Forest has planted more than 1,186,000 trees in Cameroon, Kenya, Senegal, Uganda and Tanzania.

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