10 thoughts help increase the performance of successful people
A very common thought is that many people usually only want to be average (including physical, status, life .) without wanting to stand out too much. However, successful people don't think so.
To be able to lead and achieve the desired level of success, each person needs to build his own habits and persistence to apply. Success is not something that happens randomly, if you really aspire, you must work hard to win it. Learning from successful people, choosing useful, relevant experiences to form a living rule - learning - working and starting practice is a smart way to help you complete all established goals.
Here are the habits that many successful people often apply to optimize productivity that you can refer to.
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1. They do not work in their "safe areas"
" What is the Comfort zone ?" The safe zone means "a psychological state where one feels familiar, comfortable, controllable and least worried". When you pass this state, it does not mean that you will constantly face stress and anxiety. Simply to grow up, you need to experience new things and expand your horizons to the outside.
The reason we often feel in a "safe zone" is because we don't feel risky or dangerous, like a hamster in a kennel, staying like that, day in and day out. and not knowing where it will go.
Les Brown , a very famous motivational speaker, once said: "If you put yourself in a position to make yourself out of your comfort zone, then you have to expand your consciousness."
2. They always learn before doing
Learning is what we do best. The best thing about learning is the benefits we get when applying what we've learned in every aspect of life. Successful people are always eager to learn new things and expand what they already know.
If we stop learning, we accept what we know. If you stay like that, your vision and intelligence are very limited.
If Bill Gates stopped learning and developing himself, would the Internet become as popular as it is today? Do we have computers to use and constantly experience smart technologies like today? The answer almost everyone knows.
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3. They are not afraid to ask for advice from others
Richard Branson - a very famous celebrity once said, "When you need to make a difficult decision, if you can discuss ideas with entrepreneurs and friends who have fallen into the same problem, everything will very different".
In fact, asking for advice from others is not always easy. We think that everyone has the same opportunity, everyone will sometimes feel insecure and dependent, so he decides to solve the problem himself without any help. However, this mindset can limit each person to his or her potential and at that time you have missed the opportunity to learn very well: Anyone you meet in life has at least one thing. something for you to learn!
4. They do not focus on small details
Life gives us a lot of opportunities and this makes many people often do not identify what is to be ignored, what is the priority and what is important. The smaller the details, the easier it is to be entangled and, perhaps, we have inadvertently ignored larger visions - what is known as "Big Picture" - "big picture".
Ignoring does not mean small details are not important, but that means not focusing on details but being more open to looking out for bigger opportunities.Think big and act small - then you will always see a lot of work to do and always have the motivation to achieve them all.
Henry Ford did not focus too much on the small detail - which had caused him to fail hundreds of times before. He turned to a secular goal and knew that it needed to be completed.
5. They do not hug many things
"Multitasking" is seen as a "skill" that only a few lucky people possess, which means they can do many things at the same time while ensuring optimal efficiency, even surpassing with ordinary people - one job at a time. However, the truth is that most of them have no such ability and many things are considered "enemies" of productivity. Successful people rarely fall into this habit and they only focus on what they are capable of doing best.
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When you work on a lot of things, it's hard to concentrate completely on anything, so it's easy to get discouraged and mental collapse leads to low efficiency. Worse, you don't finish anything .
6. They do not deceive themselves
Cheating on yourself is one of the easiest things anyone can do. Meanwhile, it is much more difficult to accept the problem without making excuses or hiding. However, this is also the point that we need to be ready to face if we want to increase work efficiency.
When you do not dare / do not want to get it wrong, you will not be able to fix it, nobody wants to comment and in the end, you still make a mistake. Therefore, the more time you lose and the lower the efficiency.
"Stop deceiving yourself. When we deny our truths, we don't recognize the potential we have" - (Steve Maraboli).
7. They do not delay asking for feedback (Feedback)
Feedback is very important. Because it will give you different perspectives on the current situation. When someone gives you a feedback, a comment, that means you can see the problem in a new direction.
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If the hemorrhoids delay getting opinions from others, you don't know how to take advantage of everyone's advice and experience. As Elon Musk - CEO of Tesla Motor once said that "Feedback Loop" is very important - because then you will constantly think about what you have accomplished and how you can do it well. than".
8. They don't obey, they lead
You must have heard the words "Lead, follow or get out of the way". There are two types of people in this world who are leaders and followers. Successful leaders are people who force others to "submit" to them.
Successful people do not listen to or follow contrary opinions of anyone. They are not affected by the thoughts of those who like judgment, on the contrary, they have their own path - where they know they need more effort to go there.
"In a forest, there are two roads that turn in two directions and I - I choose the path of few people and it makes everything completely different" - Robert Frost.
9. They don't let the past get in the way of their future
The past is something that is difficult to change and without it, we never grow up or learn anything valuable.
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Shahid Khan used to work as a dishwasher for a working hour of $ 1.20. However, a poor background did not stop him from thinking big. With a net worth of $ 3.8 billion, Shahid Khan is now the boss of Flex-N-Gate - one of the largest private companies in the US and a very famous tycoon. world.
10. They always surround themselves with negative people
"You can't expect to live positively if you still live with negative people" - Joel Olsteen.
People with a living attitude are the factors that make the journey take what you want to become farther away because of their thinking that makes you lose your spirit, bewildered and doubt your own abilities. Success depends a lot on thinking and if you keep thinking negative, you can't change it.
Success requires a lot of concentration and determination.
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