How to reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation

We cannot eliminate electromagnetic radiation from entering our lives but we can reduce the harmful effects of radiation.

We know electronic devices emit electromagnetic radiation, but we can't stop using them. We are so used to mobile phones, tablets, laptops, other common electrical appliances, . and use them without paying attention to other problems.

Electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic pollution are not the same, electromagnetic radiation exists everywhere, electromagnetic pollution can cause headaches, insomnia, memory loss, vision loss, blood pressure increase high or decrease. More serious can cause premature birth, cataracts even cause cancer.

We cannot eliminate electromagnetic radiation from entering our lives. But there are certainly some things we can do to minimize radiation exposure.

How to reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation Picture 1How to reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation Picture 1 How to reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation

Here are some ways to help limit and reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation


Avoid using cell phones when they are running low on battery

Avoid making calls from your mobile phone or tablet when they are running low on battery. You can stick to texting when you find yourself in a place where you can find a charger or charging point. Mobile phone emits excessive radiation when it is running low on battery, especially when you make calls.


Do not use mobile phones to make calls in areas with weak signal

When the signal is weak, your phone emits strong radiation to get a better signal and try to make the most of the available signal. If you have other options like texting or using a landline, feel free to use them.


Turn off electronic devices when you are not using them

When your electronic devices are not in use, turn them off. Whether it's a microwave, mobile phone charger, TV, refrigerator, electric stove, heater, washing machine, or for any appliance that comes with a switch, turn it off when you don't need them.


Use wired devices instead of wireless

The world of technology is evolving wirelessly, but you have to go in the opposite direction whenever you can. Let's use cords and cords whenever possible. Using cable instead of Wi-Fi Internet, preferring wired landlines over cordless phones are some of the ways to eliminate unwanted radiation from your life.


Do not run electronic devices in the bedroom

Make sure no electronic devices, phone chargers, etc. are connected to the outlet in your bedroom. Also, turn off your Wi-Fi router during the night. To get a good night's sleep, it is extremely important that your mind be as free as possible from any disturbances caused by electromagnetic radiation.


Stay away from electronic devices when they are in use

Whether you're cooking, washing clothes or grilling food,. try to stay away from the appliance while it's running. The further away you are from the devices, the less radiation is exposed to your body.


Sit at least 3 meters away from your TV

When watching TV, sit at least 3 meters away from your TV. We all remember how stressed this was by our parents when we were kids. If back then you only knew the reason was eye damage, now it's electromagnetic radiation.


Reduce the brightness of the computer screen

Reduce the brightness of your computer and laptop screens. Pay special attention to this, especially when you use your computer in a dimly lit room.

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