Need to be careful when drinking coconut water

Coconut water is a delicious, hygienic and nutritious beverage, but you also need to be careful when drinking coconut water

Coconut water is a delicious, hygienic and nutritious beverage. But there are some people who experience the phenomenon of the body becoming sluggish, shaking, . after drinking coconut water. The cause is definitely not coconut water, so you need to be careful when drinking coconut water.

Need to be careful when drinking coconut water Picture 1Need to be careful when drinking coconut water Picture 1 Need to be careful when drinking coconut water

Coconut water contains Protein 0.3%, fat 0.2%, sugar 4.7% - mainly Glucose, Fructose, minerals such as Ca, Na, K. L, P, Fe,. vitamins C, PP, .

According to Tue Tinh's book of magical medicinal herbs, coconut fruit - skin death, has a sweet taste, is neutral, non-toxic, has the effect of eliminating wind, helping gas, eliminating edema and perforation, except for black chaos - diarrhea, trouble mind, and cooling. poison. Sterile coconut water is also used as a solution for intravenous infusion, treating diarrhea.

However, coconut water should not be abused by drinking more than 3-4 fruits per day and drinking continuously for many days.

According to folk experience, improperly drinking coconut water will have some reactions as follows:

  1. Going outside in the hot sun, when you come home, because you are thirsty, drink too much coconut water, you will be "hit" with symptoms such as chills, bloating, fever or high fever.
  2. Before a sports competition, if you drink too much coconut water, it will make your hands and feet shake, reduce flexibility and quick reflexes.
  3. People with yin organs such as pale skin, soft, cool muscles, cold hands and feet, slow digestion, eat less, less thirst, like to drink warm, easily diarrhea, soft stools, heavy people, lazy, slow, . should not use coconut water.

Why are there such cases? According to traditional medicine, coconut as well as many other fruits containing a lot of water such as watermelon, squash, . have a lot of low qi - low qi is one of the six types of qi, namely maple, welding, try, low, apple. , fire. Low qi often interferes with the functioning of the spleen. => Pistil humiliation is low, the taste is heat-smeared - Pisces masters digestion and muscle mastery - muscle activity.

Therefore, when drinking coconut water in the above cases, it will put too much gas into the body, causing dysfunction in the body's normal functioning. When drinking coconut water for refreshment, you should add a little salt to regulate. Coconut water mixed with gotu kola juice is also a refreshing drink, clearing heat, detoxifying, and laxative for the liver. However, people with negative organs as mentioned, should be careful to avoid disadvantages when using.

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