Preterm birth causes children to have high blood pressure as adults

A new finding suggests that babies born prematurely at 29 weeks of age are more likely to have high blood pressure and some other diseases as adults.

A new finding suggests that babies born prematurely at 29 weeks of age are more likely to have high blood pressure and some other diseases as adults.

According to a preliminary Canadian medical study, the results show that premature babies at 29 weeks of age are at risk of developing high blood pressure when the child reaches adulthood and is involved in reducing the Function of endothelial cells in the body. Not only that, the risk of small kidney disease is also very high.

'This new finding is extremely important, emphasizing as well as alerting the mothers who have their babies born prematurely, from which the steps for mothers to know how to intervene and take care of their children timely me. ' - Dr. Anne Monique Nuyt, Professor of Pediatrics at Montreal University said in a statement.

Preterm birth causes children to have high blood pressure as adults Picture 1Preterm birth causes children to have high blood pressure as adults Picture 1 This research has just been published in the American Heart Association in Orlando, Fla.(Internet photo source.)

Specifically, Dr. Anne Monique Nuyt and her colleagues conducted a kidney size study of 40 premature babies, only 29 weeks of kidney with 40 full-term babies (41 weeks of age).

Surprising results show that premature babies have a much smaller kidney size than kidneys of term babies. In addition, 80 children were also monitored and measured continuously.

The results showed that not only small kidneys but also premature babies had significantly higher blood pressure than full-term babies equivalent to 120 mm Hg - 115 mm Hg.

Medical experts also confirmed that premature births may be a potential risk for children to develop hypertension after adulthood.

And a final experimental study showed that when measuring and controlling capillary systems, the blood vessels in the body of 80 children were divided into two subjects. The results showed that endothelial cells in preterm infants tend to form, develop slowly, transport oxygen, blood is more passive than full-term babies. But the team has not been able to confirm whether this situation can cause a child to develop heart disease as an adult.

Currently the information is causing a stir among the medical world.

Huynh Dung ( According to UPI)


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