Step 3:
Click on Have a Voucher and enter the REDDIT50 code .
Step 4:
Select Create Free Account (Create free account).
How to get free 50GB of storage per month from Windscribe VPN Picture 1
Step 5:
On the web browser, log in to your e-mail account and use the registration in the previous step.
How to get free 50GB of storage per month from Windscribe VPN Picture 2
And proceed to confirm account activation.
How to get free 50GB of storage per month from Windscribe VPN Picture 3
Step 6:
Returning to the Windscribe main interface, clicking on My Account section will see that you have received 50GB of free storage per month instead of 2GB as default.
How to get free 50GB of storage per month from Windscribe VPN Picture 4
Note: Voucher codes are not valid when used together (not accumulated), so if you have used another type of preferential code before or have higher value, this tutorial can be ignored. .
Good luck!
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