How to charge the Smartphone Battery properly The battery is long lasting

Share your smartphone charging experiences, how to use your smartphone to save battery life and tips to help you charge the battery super fast. Charging the battery for the first time is quite important.

Smartphone phones are now too popular with us, and the top concern for a phone is the PIN, battery life is always a top priority and very important. So you know how to charge the battery properly? This TipsMake article will help you to properly charge your smartphone so that your PIN is not bottled and used for longer.

How to charge the Smartphone Battery properly The battery is long lasting Picture 1How to charge the Smartphone Battery properly The battery is long lasting Picture 1

The battery charging after you first buy the device you need to pay attention to the first 3 charges because it affects the battery in the process of later use.

The first charge: First, right after you buy the device, there will be a moderate amount of battery in it so you can install the device and applications. You do not need to wait to use up the battery immediately, but bring it to charge for 8 - 10 hours. During the charging process, pay attention to avoid sudden power interruptions.

The second charge: After the first charge is completely depleted, you can use it until it is powered down, then charge it again for 8-10 hours.

3rd charge: Continue to deplete the battery for the 2nd time, then fully charge for 8-10 hours.

From the 4th time on, you should not drain the battery, or shut down the power. For every 25-30%, you charge just fine, because most smartphones' batteries are made of Li-Ion material, so you can charge regularly without worrying about bottlenecks like previous batteries.

Some notes during charging:

  1. Leave the phone in a cool place, and after fully charging the battery, leave it for another 10-15 minutes before pulling it out.
  2. Use the original charger provided by the manufacturer.
  3. Limit charging via USB, because the USB port is only 5V, so it cannot meet the power supply, leading to a situation where you have to plug in the charger for longer >> fast bottle.
  4. Do not use the phone while it is charging.
  5. Turn off applications when not in use.
  6. Limit charging overnight often, sometimes it's okay, but if day by day you charge overnight, that's fine.

Experience to charge the battery faster:

  1. Turn off unused applications such as 3G, Wifi .
  2. Leaving airplane mode (or temporarily turning off the phone) during charging will super-fast charge.
  3. Don't turn on the phone to see how much% it is ^^.

After 30 full charges or maybe 1 month you should turn off the device once, for about 5 hours, then turn on and use like that will help the battery healthier [/ su_note]

 How to use the device to save battery power:

  1. To moderate screen brightness, according to me to range 40-50% is the most reasonable.
  2. Turn off applications when not in use.
  3. Turn off 3G, Wifi, Bluetooth . when not in use. These 3 guys consume extremely battery life.
  4.  Turn on automatic screen lock (1 minute is the bright choice ^^)
  5. Using 3G normally consumes a lot of battery, but in weak areas it costs much more. So the advice is slow network, so rest ^^.


Above are the experiences I have learned and through practical experience, there is any other effective way, we can discuss it together.

Hope these tips will help you.

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