How to Become a Psychoanalyst

A psychoanalyst, also known as a psychoanalytic therapist, helps patients recognize unconscious behaviors so they can be more self-aware and adjust their lifestyles for the better. If you want to work with people and help them improve...

Developing Interpersonal Skills

  1. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 1How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 1
    Work on actively listening to others. When someone else is talking to you, give them your full attention by maintaining eye contact and avoiding distractions. Don't think about the next thing you want to say, but instead listen to what the other person is saying so you're able to thoughtfully respond to it. Take a few moments to think about your responses so you can have a more meaningful conversation.[1]
    1. Psychoanalysts meet with multiple patients each day who each have different needs and problems, so you need to listen to what they want to get out of a session.
    2. Nod your head as the other person talks to you to make it seem like you're paying more attention to them.
    3. Say things like, 'I understand,' or 'Yeah,' as the person is talking to show that you're actively listening to them. You can also ask questions like, 'And then what happened?' or 'What else?' to continue the conversation.
  2. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 2How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 2
    Practice your observation skills so you're able to read body language. Pay attention to a person's expression and how they present themselves when you're talking with them. Watch for signs that they're uncomfortable, such as breaking eye contact frequently, crossing their arms, or fidgeting often. As you get more familiar with reading body language, you'll be able to make assumptions about how people are feeling and know what topics they're comfortable discussing.[2]
    1. As a psychoanalyst, you'll need to watch your patient's body cues so you can see what questions or discussions make them feel uncomfortable.
  3. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 3How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 3
    Be compassionate so you can empathize with other people. As you talk and work with others, let them know that you care. Imagine that you're going through similar events so you can have a better understanding of how the other person feels. Tell the other person that you may not fully know what they're going through, but that you're able to listen or be there for them if they need someone to reach out to.[3]
    1. Empathizing with a patient is important to psychoanalysis since you'll need to figure out which treatments or discussions are best for each patient.
    2. Try doing random acts of kindness throughout your day, such as buying coffee for the person behind you or helping a stranger, since this can help you become more compassionate.

    Warning: Don't be judgemental of other people while you're talking or working with them since you'll need to be unbiased as a psychoanalyst.

  4. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 4How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 4
    Make sure you're able to handle emotional stress well. As a psychoanalyst, you'll have many patients that have varying levels of emotional stress that you'll need to manage, which could affect you as their doctor. Maintain healthy routines, such as eating well, exercising, and journaling, so you can handle any stress you feel from the job. If you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to yourself to regain composure and relax so you have a clear mind.[4]
    1. If self-care isn't enough to help you manage your emotional stress, you may also need to see a therapist or psychoanalyst.

Finding an Education

  1. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 5How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 5
    Earn your high school diploma or GED. While you're in school, opt to take psychology or sociology courses as electives so you can get a better understanding of the field. Participate in class discussions and talk to your teachers about any other resources you can look into to continue your learning. Make sure to take notes and study hard for all of your tests and classes so you can get the best grades possible. If you left high school without graduating, look for GED classes so you can still earn an equivalency diploma.[5]
    1. Many GED courses run at night so you're still able to work full-time while you're learning.
    2. Other courses that may help with psychoanalysis include literature, art, and speech.
  2. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 6How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 6
    Get a bachelor's degree in psychology or sociology. Apply to a school that offers degrees in clinical psychology or something similar so you're able to take relevant classes to psychoanalysis. You may also take courses in family therapy, behavior analysis, or neurobiology to learn more about your field. Pay close attention to lectures and take notes so you're able to do well on all of your exams.[6]
    1. Look for groups or clubs related to psychology so you can join and meet other people with similar interests.
    2. Set aside some time to hang out with friends and unwind, but be sure you also have enough time to complete your course work.
  3. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 7How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 7
    Complete a master's or doctorate program in a psychiatric field. If you're going for a 2-year master's degree, focus on a major like psychiatry, family therapy, or sociology. Otherwise, you can earn a 4-year doctorate in psychology, social work, or another mental health field. No matter which program you choose, you'll go through advanced psychology courses, clinical assignments, and on-site training.[7]
    1. You may need to have additional courses or clinical work if you only receive a master's degree.
  4. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 8How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 8
    Take a therapist's licensing examination so you can begin practicing. Typically, you'll need to become a practicing therapist before you're able to get certified as a psychoanalyst. While you're earning your master's or doctorate, you'll complete clinical requirements for becoming a therapist, but you'll need to take a test when you're finished. The exam consists of written responses and lasts around 2 hours. Study hard for the exam so you're able to get your state license for therapy.[8]
    1. Registration and testing centers vary by your location, but you can find dates and local testing centers here:
    2. There are many study guides available online or in bookstores for the standardized exam.
    3. You will also have to pay a licensing fee that's usually around $150 USD, but it may vary by location.

    Tip: Start studying for the exam 2–3 months ahead of the test date so you're able to prepare.

Getting Certified as a Psychoanalyst

  1. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 9How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 9
    Look for a psychiatric residency or internship after you graduate. In order to get an official certification, psychoanalysts usually need to have experience as a practicing therapist. While you're still in school, talk to your professors or career counseling services to see what opportunities are available. Apply for any available internships or residencies you're interested in so you get experience in the field.[9]
    1. During your internship or residency, you'll work with patients while you're under the supervision of a qualified professional.
    2. You may be able to apply for a waiver through the International Psychoanalysis Association to skip residency or an internship.
  2. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 10How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 10
    Apply for an accredited psychoanalyst training program. Look through the list of schools that offer training programs from either the International Psychoanalysis Association (IPA) or the American Psychoanalysis Association (APsaA). Check the requirements for each of the programs to make sure that you qualify for them before applying. The training programs are usually part-time and last for 4 years so you can get proper training and practice.[10]
    1. You can find a list of accredited programs here:
    2. Be careful of any programs that aren't listed by either of the official associations since they may not have proper licenses or accreditation.
  3. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 11How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 11
    Attend clinical seminars throughout your training period. During your first year, go to the introductory seminars so you can learn more about psychoanalytic theories and how to apply them to your practice. As you progress further in the program, seminars will start to include different types of clinical treatments you can apply and how to handle multiple types of personalities with patients. Pay close attention to the seminars and take notes throughout so you can study.[11]
    1. The number of seminars you need to attend each week depends on the program you choose.
  4. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 12How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 12
    Work with patients under supervision for the last 2 years of training. Starting during the second year of training, you'll be able to work with a patient while a qualified psychoanalyst observes you. Take everything you've learned from your courses and seminars and apply it to working with your patient so you can develop a good relationship with them. Work with the patient to determine what problems they're having and offer treatment and advice to them. After the sessions, talk with your supervisor to determine what the next steps are and what you can improve on.[12]
    1. After a year with your first patient, you may have to take on 1–2 more so you can prove that you're able to focus on multiple people.

    Tip: You may need to work with additional patients if you want to focus on couples or family psychoanalysis.

  5. How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 13How to Become a Psychoanalyst Picture 13
    Go to approved lectures and workshops to maintain your certification. You'll receive your certification as long as you complete your seminars and patient work. However, you are required to continue your education so your certification doesn't expire. Look for APsaA- or IPA-approved lectures or seminars on the website and make sure to attend enough throughout your career to keep your certification in good order.[13]
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