How Can New Tech Help the Students Concentrate Better

Studying has never been easy. While acquiring education, students are facing a variety of challenges that can hold them back from success. And the lack of concentration is one of the biggest issues that are there.

When learners lack focus, be it at school or during their at-home study sessions, their brains find it harder to process and retain information. Respectively, their productivity and performance drop. But, innovative technology can help us change this, and here is how.

Picture 1 of How Can New Tech Help the Students Concentrate BetterPicture 1 of How Can New Tech Help the Students Concentrate Better

More Exciting Education

Students have long gotten bored of traditional teaching and learning methods. Today, the majority of them agree that their educational programs feel too outdated and raw to cause any excitement. The same is true for the homework they receive. Traditional essays, research papers, and other typical assignments are too tedious and boring. No wonder why so many students opt for professional paper help by WritePaper just to get rid of these tasks without letting their grades drop. But, technology changes everything.

Gamification, innovations like AR and VR, use of various gadgets inside classrooms - these and other common applications of technology in education are known to boost students' engagement. It is proven that learners find technology and innovations exciting. Thus, if we bring them into their curriculums, they will eventually find education exciting too.

Now, how will this affect their concentration? The link between engagement and concentration is close. When a person is engaged in doing something, they can easily focus on this activity and, most importantly, they can stay focused on it for a longer time. Eventually, this leads to higher productivity too.

Therefore, if we want to help students be more focused inside classrooms, we have to boost their engagement levels first. And technology is a perfect tool for attaining this goal. With its help, we can show young people that studying can actually be fun. And as they get more excited about studying, they'll get more focused too.

Focus and Mindfulness Features

What other possibilities for improving students' concentration with the help of new tech are there? It is impossible not to mention the growing trend toward mindfulness and focus. We can observe it among developers too.

Let's look at the most recent updates of mobile and computer operating systems. They all are following this trend. Many developers are integrating focus and mindfulness features into their devices. Apple is a great example of such a manufacturer.

Apart from manufacturers of various gadgets, app developers also seem to follow this trend. At this point, there are already thousands of applications meant for focus and mindfulness. They are meant to block distractions, minimize users' screen time, and boost their productivity. Apart from specialized apps that were designed specifically for these purposes, there are also many other applications meant for different tasks that also come with similar features.

How can we use this in schools? First of all, with the help of focus features built into gadgets, teachers can block potential distractions for the time of the lesson. This way, they can let learners use gadgets inside a classroom without fearing that they will get distracted by social networks or other things.

As for educational apps that you might use during lessons, they also often have distraction-blocking features. With their help, these apps can keep students engaged and focused 100% of the time.

Finally, there is one more possible application of this trend. Parents and students themselves can both try it. They can leverage focus and mindfulness features during at-home study sessions. By encouraging them to do so, we can ensure that learners stay concentrated not only inside classrooms but also at home while getting their homework done or studying for the next lesson.

And what about mindfulness? Studies show that practicing it (even briefly) can have a significant impact on one's brain. To be more specific, even 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation a day can boost your focus and concentration. This is something students can use at home themselves. But, teachers should also consider doing this practice with the class. And new tech will help them make it real.

Picture 2 of How Can New Tech Help the Students Concentrate BetterPicture 2 of How Can New Tech Help the Students Concentrate Better

Personalization of Learning

Two common reasons for the lack of concentration are poor self-confidence and a lack of motivation. Often, these two issues arise as soon as young people start underperforming in school. When this happens, they tend to give up on studying and, thus, drop in their performances even more.

Another common reason that affects focus is the presence of various learning disabilities that simply hold young people back from doing their best in the academic arena. But we need to apply the same teaching methods to them that we use for other students.

All of these reasons can kill an individual student's desire to learn, as well as their concentration. But, there is one single solution that can solve all problems at once. It is the personalization of learning. And one of the easiest ways to achieve it is by leveraging new tech.

Innovative educational technology embraces learners' differences and strives for higher levels of personalization. This includes leveraging individualized learning plans and letting students study at their own pace. What can we get in return? - Studying according to personalized plans, young people will be better equipped for success. They can start performing better. As a result, their motivation, confidence, and, respectively, concentration will increase.

Preparation for the Future

On the one hand, one of the core purposes of acquiring education is to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for students to succeed at work and in life in general. But, educational facilities tend to use outdated programs and focus solely on theoretical knowledge. Thus, often, students just don't feel like what they are learning in schools and colleges will have value in the real world.

Respectively, they don't feel like they have to participate actively in classroom activities. This just doesn't make much sense for them. So, as a result, this affects their concentration.

But, this is one more case where innovative technology steps in. It is not a secret that the modern world is highly reliant on tech. These days, various gadgets are being utilized across all professional and business sectors. And students know this too.

Respectively, when we bring new tech into classrooms and let students interact with it, they finally feel like they are learning something important. Something that will make them prepared for their futures. As a result, feeling the value of what they are doing inside the classroom, young people become more learned, whereas their levels of concentration increase.

The Bottom Line

It has long been proven that technology has enormous potential in the field of education. The use of all sorts of innovations inside classrooms benefits both teachers and students. And one of the biggest benefits it brings for the latter ones is an increased focus.

Despite the common belief (though not groundless), new tech can actually make students more concentrated and not vice versa. Now, after reading this article, you should have a better idea of how innovations can be leveraged in order to boost learners' engagement and focus inside classrooms. Now, all we need to do is to start harvesting the possible benefits!

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