The school is closed because of COVID-19, Japanese elementary school students hold a closing ceremony in Minecraft

Instead of being held at school, all students can attend the ceremony in Minecraft - an extremely popular open world game for elementary students.

While the COVID-19 epidemic is still spreading at a rapid pace, elementary and junior high schools in Japan have been closed for two weeks following Prime Minister Abe Shinzo's call to strengthen the epidemic prevention measures. .

Typically, the end of March and the beginning of April is also the time when Japanese schools finish the school year. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the closure of schools has made many students in this country miss the closing ceremony at the end of the school year. Many students have expressed sadness and regret, when the closing ceremony is always one of the most memorable memories of the school life of any student.

The school is closed because of COVID-19, Japanese elementary school students hold a closing ceremony in Minecraft Picture 1The school is closed because of COVID-19, Japanese elementary school students hold a closing ceremony in Minecraft Picture 1

The post was posted by a Japanese Twitter user @backyennew, when his son and his friends held the closing ceremony of the virtual version in Minecraft.

The school is closed because of COVID-19, Japanese elementary school students hold a closing ceremony in Minecraft Picture 2The school is closed because of COVID-19, Japanese elementary school students hold a closing ceremony in Minecraft Picture 2

"The kids spend the whole day playing games together. I'm happy they really feel happy", "The ceremony hall was well built." Source: Twitter @backyennew

However, some elementary students in Japan recently came up with an extremely interesting initiative when deciding to hold the closing ceremony . in the game, according to Soranews24. Instead of being held at school, all students can attend the ceremony in Minecraft - an extremely popular open world game for elementary school students, which allows them to freely build everything according to their needs. creativity of yourself.

Notably, the closing ceremony for this virtual version was organized by some elementary students, and there was no support from teachers or educational institutions.

According to Soranews24h, most Japanese netizens are impressed with the closing ceremony held in the game. The post after being posted has received tens of thousands of Likes and comments.

"These kids are alright."

"Parents work remotely, and kids do online retreats"

"I am jealous of the wonderful things that children have today."

"People who say video games are bad, look here!"

"This will probably be an even more memorable memory than the usual graduation ceremony."

Refer to Soranews24h

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