How are Facebook and Google using algorithms to predict your thoughts?
Postings, information filled with ads always follow you in any corner of the internet in general and on social networking sites in particular. In particular, these advertisements are sometimes so relevant that you think companies like Facebook and Google own some supernatural power that can read their thoughts. But actually there are no miracles here, these companies simply use complex algorithms to analyze and exploit your online activities, tracking each move to the word It gives exact suggestions for your needs.
How are Facebook and Google using algorithms to predict your thoughts? Picture 1
- Invite to admire the new interface of Facebook, Dark Mode, focus on the group, has appeared on mobile applications
In the context of the thirst for user data in the technology world is becoming increasingly serious today, the use of algorithms to collect data and sell advertising is thought to be the optimal option for with big online service providers like Facebook or Google.
So don't be too surprised when next time you talk to your loved one privately about a certain headset brand, for example, you immediately see a few ads for the same headset that appear. on your News Feed Facebook by simple, all already in the 'calculation' of service providers already!
How are Facebook and Google using algorithms to predict your thoughts? Picture 2
- The Facebook Dating feature has appeared in Vietnam, including Secret Crush to confess to someone you like
So how are these types of algorithms built, but can possess superior capabilities to read the user's mind? According to Tristan Harris, a former expert in algorithm design at Google, Center for Humane Technology's co-founder and veteran co-founder, companies like Facebook and Google not only get high-precision predictions. about your next decisions, but you can understand you well enough to help their algorithms come to the same conclusion, by analyzing and reasoning from your interests and tastes (collected). previous cross), or by extrapolating the behavioral data patterns of other users (who have purchased the item you are paying attention to), even before you reach them.
How are Facebook and Google using algorithms to predict your thoughts? Picture 3
- The market share of Google Chrome declined, which could be attributed to users switching to Chromium Edge
To be fair, this type of user data analysis technology really delivers impressive results. However, when social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube are showing signs of becoming a violent tool in developing countries and at the same time acting as 'amplifiers' for extremists. seeking to propagate terrorism and acts of terrorism today, major service providers should sit down seriously and discuss this issue, as well as scrutinizing the difficult consequences anticipate.
However, the bigger problem lies in their own business models. Their stock performance and value are directly proportional to the effectiveness of targeting the advertising sector, which depends heavily on the ability of products to attract attention from people. use. So the challenge for service providers here is how to ensure a balance between usefulness and privacy data risks.
How are Facebook and Google using algorithms to predict your thoughts? Picture 4
- Finally the virtual assistant Google Assistant also officially launched on May 6, after the release of the trial version
In fact, increasing threats from internet platforms have put not only individuals but also policy makers into situations in which major changes will probably have to be given. After all, internet advertising companies such as Google and Facebook are thriving today thanks to the use of sophisticated algorithms to predict and analyze user behavior, thereby bringing about to the most relevant advertising information.
You should read it
- Algorithms arranged in data structures & algorithms
- JavaScript takes user data via the 'Sign in with Facebook' feature
- List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data
- New algorithms to increase the accuracy of CAPTCHA
- Download data from social networks to the hard drive
- Backup personal data on Facebook, Twitter and Google+
- - social networking virtual money, competitors with Facebook have nothing special?
- Facebook's new privacy policy raises questions
- Top 10 social networks to replace Facebook (part 2)
- Facebook users will not be able to avoid being tracked and collected for advertising purposes
- Facebook will turn on mobile videos
- [Infographic] What do you know about #hashtag on social networks?
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