Google researchers say they have developed an algorithm that can correctly solve the CAPTCHA system with an accurate rate of up to 99.8%. The CAPTCHA system is a series of characters and numbers that appear in the box, requiring the user to enter the letters and numbers displayed in the box before allowing them to access a specific application. The purpose of CAPTCHA is to ensure that users are not computer programs or robots that deliberately trick Google to abuse or abuse the application. Because the alphanumeric characters in the CAPTCHA are distorted, distorted and only human readable, computer programs cannot be read.
The new system was developed to help Google automatically analyze difficult-to-read signs and house numbers taken by their Street View cameras, allowing Google to accurately match images to locations on the map.
Although according to Google announced the CAPTCHA system is almost perfect (99.8% accuracy) , the image analysis of Street View captures the new system is still not completely accurate - the determination of the Text characters are only over 90% of the time. But when analyzing house numbers, the accuracy level is over 96%.
New algorithms to increase the accuracy of CAPTCHA Picture 2
These CAPTCHA cells have been handled more accurately by Google
Of course, Google excelled in developing an advanced automatic character analysis system because of its extensive data in Street View and reCAPTCHA, its own CAPTCHA service. Even when "excellent" , Google said they had found better ways to protect reCAPTCHA from being broken by other computers. "Thanks to this study, we know that relying on" distorted "characters in CAPTCHA cells is not enough," Vinay Shet , Google's reCAPTCHA product manager wrote in a blog. Shet explained that part of Google is analyzing the user's full interaction with words, CAPTCHA numbers - and not only that, even if they can get the answer right away.