Hepatitis C infected 325 million people worldwide in 2016

A new study has shown an amazing number of 325 million people with hepatitis in 2016.

A new study has shown an amazing number of 325 million people with hepatitis in 2016.

In total, 52 million children are infected with the hepatitis virus.

The report also mentions 2.1 million people worldwide with HIV / AIDS.

Of these, 4 million children have hepatitis C (less than 19 years of age) and 48 million (under 18 years) are children with hepatitis B.

Hepatitis C infected 325 million people worldwide in 2016 Picture 1Hepatitis C infected 325 million people worldwide in 2016 Picture 1

Both viruses can lead to liver disease, liver cancer and death, findings presented at the 2017 World Summit in Brazil show.

Raquel Peck, executive director of the nonprofit London-based World Non-Governmental Organization for Hepatitis, said: " Children are suffering a lot of burden of viral hepatitis worldwide and the meaning of these numbers with the current public health is very large . "

Manal El-Sayed, a professor at Shams University in Egypt, notes that up to 20 countries are responsible for about 80% of children with hepatitis C infection, with the highest prevalence in countries. developing.

The main cause of hepatitis C in children is from mother to child. However, there are no pregnant women or young children with this cancer who can be treated with highly effective antiviral drugs (DAA) because health professionals have not yet proposed them. Use appropriate vaccines.

Moreover, the study found that compared to hepatitis C, new hepatitis B in children is declining - from the prevalence of about 4.7% during the pre-vaccination period in the early 1980s to 1.3% as The current.

This is due to increased efforts to prevent mother-to-child transmission and support of global health insurance with three doses of hepatitis B vaccine to be used effectively.

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