Guide to creating Virtual Hosting with PureFTPd and MySQL
In the following article, will show you how to install the PureFTPd server using virtual user accounts from MySQL's database, all inside the real system. This process is really useful because it helps the system control hundreds to thousands of ftp accounts on each workstation. Another aspect mentioned is how to use quota and limited upload / download bandwidth, access passwords will be stored and encoded into MD5 strings in the database. To administer the MySQL database, users can use web-based tools like phpMyAdmin. The entire test is done on the OpenSUSE 11.3 platform (please refer here).
Preliminary note
Here we use hostname with IP address, and the user needs to replace it, but this parameter corresponds to their system.
Install MySQL, Apache2 and phpMyAdmin
All necessary modules of MySQL, Apache and PHP for phpMyAdmin can be installed as follows:
yast2 -i mysql mysql-client mysql-community-server apache2 apache2-mod_php5 php5-mysql php5-mcrypt php5-mbstring php5-gd
Then create a MySQL startup path (so that MySQL automatically activates when the system starts) and use MySQL server:
chkconfig --add mysql
/etc/init.d/mysql start
To increase security for MySQL installation, use the following command:
After that, the system will ask you some information as follows:
server1: ~ # mysql_secure_installation
In hàng lệnh để đăng nhập vào MySQL để bảo vệ nó, sẽ cần phải hiện thời
password for the root user. If you've just installed MySQL, và
bạn không đặt được mật khẩu root này, mật khẩu sẽ được trống,
so you should just press enter here.
Enter current password cho root (nhập cho không): OK, đã successfully dùng mật khẩu, chuyển đổi khi .
Thiết lập mật khẩu gốc cần thiết mà không thể đăng nhập vào MySQL
root user without the proper authoring.
Set root password? [Y / n] New password: Re-enter new password: Password updated successfully!
Reloading privilege tables .
. Success!
Vì mặc định, một cài đặt MySQL có một người dùng không rõ, Allow anyone
để đăng nhập vào MySQL không có thể có một người dùng đăng nhập cho cho
more. Đây được sử dụng chỉ để kiểm tra, và để tạo cài đặt
go a bit smoother. Bạn nên gỡ bỏ chúng trước khi chuyển vào một
production environment.
Remove anonymous users? [Y / n] . Success!
Thường, root nên chỉ được phép phép kết nối từ 'localhost'. This
ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network.
Disallow root login command? [Y / n] . Success!
By default, MySQL comes with a database được xác định 'thử' mà có thể
access. Đây là chỉ định chỉ chỉ cho thử thử, và nên được gỡ bỏ
trước khi chuyển vào một Production environment.
Remove test database and access to it? [Y / n] - Dropping test database .
. Success!
- Removing privileges on test database .
. Success!
Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes do so far
sẽ xử lý ngay ngay.
Reload privilege tables now? [Y / n] . Success!
Cleaning up .
All done! If you've completed all steps theo đây, bạn MySQL
cài đặt nên được bảo vệ.
Thanks for dùng MySQL!
Server1: ~ #
Then continue to create the boot path for Apache and activate:
chkconfig --add apache2
/etc/init.d/apache2 start
And install phpMyAdmin as follows:
zypper install
Check if the installation of phpMyAdmin is successful by typing or into the browser.
Install PureFTPd with MySQL support
OpenSUSE PureFTPd packages support multiple backend standards, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, LDAP .:
yast2 -i pure-ftpd
Then we create the ftp group (ftpgroup) and the user (ftpuser) used to point all virtual user accounts there. Replace the 2001 group and account with any other parameters on your system:
groupadd -g 2001 ftpgroup
useradd -u 2001 -s / bin / false -d / bin / null -c "pureftpd user" -g ftpgroup ftpuser
Create MySQL database for PureFTPd
Here, we will create a database called pureftpd and a pureftpd MySQL account, the PureFTPd daemon will use to connect to the pureftpd database:
mysql -u root -p
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP ON pureftpd. * TO 'pureftpd' @ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ftpdpass';
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP ON pureftpd. * TO 'pureftpd'@'localhost.localdomain' IDENTIFIED BY 'ftpdpass';
Remember to replace ftpdpass with MySQL password for pureftpd account. And we continue to create more necessary database tables:
Pureftpd USE;
User varchar (16) NOT NULL default '',
status enum ('0', '1') NOT NULL default '0',
Password varchar (64) NOT NULL default '',
Uid varchar (11) NOT NULL default '-1',
Gid varchar (11) NOT NULL default '-1',
Dir varchar (128) NOT NULL default '',
ULBandwidth smallint (5) NOT NULL default '0',
DLBandwidth smallint (5) NOT NULL default '0',
comment tinytext NOT NULL,
ipaccess varchar (15) NOT NULL default '*',
QuotaSize smallint (5) NOT NULL default '0',
QuotaFiles int (11) NOT NULL default 0,
UNIQUE KEY User (User)
With the quit command on, we have exited MySQL and returned to the main Linux control panel.
Visit phpMyAdmin via (or use the IP address instead of with your browser and log in with the pureftpd name.
Set up PureFTPd
Edit the /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf configuration file and notice the ChrootEveryone, AnonymousOnly, MySQLConfigFile and CreateHomeDir lines that are activated as shown below:
vi /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf
ChrootEveryone yes
AnonymousOnly no
MySQLConfigFile /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-mysql.conf
CreateHomeDir yes
The ChrootEveryone setting parameter will make PureFTPd 'chroot' all virtual user accounts in the root directory, so these accounts cannot be 'active' outside of the authorized root directory. The CreateHomeDir line will specify PureFTPd to create the corresponding root directory each time the account is logged in (if that directory is not already available), then AnonymousOnly must be set to a full value because otherwise only the anonymous FTP account will be allowed to access.
Then, we need to create or edit (if available) the /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-mysql.conf file to look like this:
vi /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-mysql.conf
MYSQLSocket /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
#MYSQLServer localhost
#MYSQLPort 3306
MYSQLUser pureftpd
MYSQLPassword ftpdpass
MYSQLDatabase pureftpd
#MYSQLCrypt md5, cleartext, crypt () or password () - md5 is VERY RECOMMENDABLE uppon cleartext
MYSQLCrypt md5
MYSQLGetPW SELECT Password FROM ftpd WHERE User = "L" AND status = "1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "R")
MYSQLGetUID SELECT Uid FROM ftpd WHERE User = "L" AND status = "1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "R")
MYSQLGetGID SELECT Gid FROM ftpd WHERE User = "L" AND status = "1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "R")
MYSQLGetDir SELECT Dir FROM ftpd WHERE User = "L" AND status = "1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "R")
MySQLGetBandwidthUL SELECT ULBandwidth FROM ftpd WHERE User = "L" AND status = "1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "R")
MySQLGetBandwidthDL SELECT DLBandwidth FROM ftpd WHERE User = "L" AND status = "1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "R")
MySQLGetQTASZ SELECT QuotaSize FROM ftpd WHERE User = "L" AND status = "1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "R")
MySQLGetQTAFS SELECT QuotaFiles FROM ftpd WHERE User = "L" AND status = "1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "R")
Make sure you have replaced the ftpdpass string with the pureftpd MySQL account in the MYSQLPassword line! And note that we use md5 as a MYSQLCrypt method, which means we will store all user passwords into MD5 strings in the database - much more secure than text messages. often.
Create a path for activation for PureFTPd and start it:
chkconfig --add pure-ftpd
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start
Fixed database and test
To accomplish this process we need to do it on a MySQL shell:
mysql -u root -p
Pureftpd USE;
and create the exampleuser user account with status 1 (ie ftp account is active), password is secret (will be encrypted and stored with MySQL MD5 function), UID and GID 2001 parameters ( userid and groupid of the create group above), the root directory / home /, the upload and download bandwidth limits are about 100 KB / sec, the permitted quota capacity is 50 MB:
INSERT INTO `ftpd` (` User`, `status`,` Password`, `Uid`,` Gid`, `Dir`,` ULBandwidth`, `DLBandwidth`,` comment`, `ipaccess`,` QuotaSize`, `QuotaFiles`) VALUES ('exampleuser', '1', MD5 ('secret'), '2001', '2001', '/home/', '100', '100', '' , '*', '50', '0');
Next, open the FTP client program (eg WS_FTP or SmartFTP on Windows, gFTP on Linux) at the client and connect with the parameter hostname (or IP address), the account name is exampleuser and secret password.
If you type the following command:
ls -l / home
You will see the directory / home / (the root directory of the exampleuser account) is automatically created, managed by ftpuser and ftpgroup:
server1: ~ # ls -l / home
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 6 administrator users 4096 Jul 19 17:26 administrator
drwx ------ 2 ftpuser ftpgroup 4096 Sep 13 20:57
server1: ~ #
Database system administration
This management is much simpler and easier if the support tool has a graphical interface, here we will use phpMyAdmin ( or http:// / ) to start the process of managing the pureftpd database:
Guide to creating Virtual Hosting with PureFTPd and MySQL Picture 1
Here we will learn about ftpd database table with the following parameters:
- User : the name of the virtual PureFTPd account (here is exampleuser)
- status with 2 values - 0 or 1. Where 1 is the active state, 0 means inactive and the user cannot login.
- Password : login password of the account, here all are encrypted and stored as MD5 string:
Guide to creating Virtual Hosting with PureFTPd and MySQL Picture 2
- UID: userid parameter of the ftp account created above (eg 2001)
- GID: groupid number of ftp account group created above (here is 2001)
- Dir: The root directory of the PureFTPd account is virtual (here / home / ). If this folder is not available, it will be created when the user account is logged into the system for the first time via the FTP protocol, and those virtual accounts will be 'detained' within the root directory. this
- ULBandwidth: bandwidth - bandwidth to upload virtual accounts in KB / sec. In which value 0 means unlimited
- DLBandwidth: the download bandwidth of the account, also calculated in KB / sec, with zero value is unlimited
- comment: users fill in the comment information
- ipaccess: the value of IP addresses allowed to connect to this FTP account, special value * means accepting any IP address
- QuotaSize: Storage capacity calculated in MB (unlike ULBandwidth and DLBandwidth in KB) that virtual user accounts use to store data on FTP server. Zero value means unlimited.
- QuotaFiles: the number of files that virtual accounts are allowed to store on an FTP server. Zero value means unlimited
FTP Anonymous account
If you want to create an 'anonymous' FTP account - anonymous (meaning anyone can access this account without a password), you need 1 user and group account called ftp. By default, both are automatically created when you install the pure-ftpd package. However, ftp's default root directory is / srv / ftp, but here we will create an anonymous ftp directory in / home / ftp. Besides, you can still use the directory / srv / ftp for anonymous ftp accounts - if you want.
If you want to use the / home / ftp root, open the file / etc / passwd and change the parameters related to the root directory of the user ftp from / srv / ftp to / home / ftp:
vi / etc / passwd
#ftp: x: 40: 49: FTP account: / srv / ftp: / bin / bash
ftp: x: 40: 49: FTP account: / home / ftp: / bin / bash
And transfer / srv / ftp to / home (no need to do this if you want to use / srv / ftp):
mv / srv / ftp / home
After that, we continue to create / home / ftp / incoming directory to allow anonymous user accounts to upload data, and to assign 311 value to / home / ftp / incoming directory, purpose for people Use uploads that cannot see or download data from that directory. The / home / ftp directory will be granted 555 permission for users to review and download the file:
chown ftp: nobody / home / ftp
cd / home / ftp
mkdir incoming
chown ftp: nobody incoming /
chmod 311 incoming / incoming
cd ./
chmod 555 ftp /
Instead, if you still want to use / srv / ftp, just replace / home / ftp with / srv / ftp on the command line.
And with all the above processes, the Anonymous account can log in, download data directly from / home / ftp, but the upload process will be limited to / home / ftp / incoming (once the data If downloaded to / home / ftp / incoming directory will not be accessible or downloaded here, if you want to download or access, the administrator must move or copy them to / home / ftp) .
The next step we need to do is adjust the PureFTPd configuration file for an anonymous ftp account. Open the /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf file and fix the following:
vi /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf
NoAnonymous no
AntiWarez no
AnonymousBandwidth 8
AnonymousCantUpload no
Finally, restart PureFTPd:
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart
By completing these processes, you have successfully created virtual hosts with PureFTPd and MySQL (including Quota and bandwidth management) on the OpenSUSE platform 11.3. Good luck!
You should read it
- The Fsutil quota command in Windows
- How to Send Sql Queries to Mysql from the Command Line
- How to install MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04
- Backup and restore MySQL with mysql-zrm on Debian Sarge
- How to manage packages in openSUSE with Zypper
- Integrating ClamAV with PureFTPd in CentOS 5.4
- Install Cherokee with PHP5 and MySQL supported in Fedora 14
- How to install and configure MySQL server on Pi
- How to Connect to MySQL Using PHP
- Install ISPConfig 3 ProFTPd for Debian
- Instructions for installing MySQL on Windows and remote access
- Access applications directly to XAMPP MySQL Server
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