Guide to counter the most effective Nidalee LMHT

You can choose the champions in the list below and counter Nidalee or choose the equipment and gameplay referred to in this article to counter her.

Nidalee is currently in League of Legends as a mobile jungle champion and has great snowballing ability. She also has the ability to approach and escape quickly, the amount of damage in the middle of the game is high and continue to make many gamers bored when confronted.

However, she also has a few drawbacks that opponents can exploit and counteract. A few tips below can help you effectively counter Nidalee effectively in the current version of League of Legends.

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Good counters against Nidalee


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In the first place is Graves, a jungler that deals physical damage and is capable of firing Lightning in the early stages of the game. Therefore, Graves' ability to clear monsters is not inferior to Nidalee. The Quick Release (E) ability helps Graves avoid Nidalee's javelins.

If Nidalee's TB is involved, it is not worrying that the strength and damage sent to her is quite large. If Nidalee was careless, she would have to pay with her life.

In the mid to late game, it was hard for Nidalee to fight Graves once he had a Serrated Sword. If an entire combo is eaten, there is a high chance that Nidalee will be destroyed shortly afterwards.

Lee Sin

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In terms of mobility, the Blind Monk is on par with Nidalee. Especially at the beginning of the match, his damage is much better than Nidalee and if he is involved, he is not afraid because he has the W skill to escape or can return.

With the selection of additional conquered jewels. Lee Sin can fully confront Nidalee when having a long fight with her. Because the Blind Monk is strong with his hegemony hands.

LeeSin is not a tank champion, though, so items like Malmotius, Serrated Sword and Mercury Shoes will be considered names so that Nidalee can not arbitrarily rush into the combo even if she has hit the target.

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In addition to countering Nidalee in terms of equipment, Lee Sin also overwhelmed her in terms of gameplay. Nidalee will show his skills with casuarina-Q to stack damage and also heal allies.

However, Nidalee's poke play will be suppressed by a strong teamfighting formation and LeeSin fully guarantees the above factors. If there was an "in-sec" phase opening, Nidalee wouldn't have had time to poke or recover.


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When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, Olaf definitely has to be mentioned, besides that he can gank effectively and his navigational skills are very easy to hit and have control effect.

Although a Gladiator tanker, Olaf has a large amount of damage. Zhao Q Throws Ax and Firewood E, dealing true damage. Combined with the Ragnarok Apocalyptic ultimate, magic resistance and armor enhancement make him stronger.

In addition, the ultimate also helps Olaf increase a large amount of dame, along with removing the control effect. That's enough for Nidalee to be afraid of Olaf.

Counter Nidalee with equipment and gameplay

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Nidalee is a magic damage magician so it is quite easy to choose equipment to fight such as spiritual armor, adaptive hats, mace.

About countering with the gameplay is quite simple, you just need to always watch and plug eyes to be able to control Nidalee. Once controlled, Nidalee will not be able to gank, so the match lasts and she will not be effective later.

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