The League of Truth League team lineup, the problem is always much concerned by gamers because if you know how to build the squad, players will not be too difficult to destroy their enemies.

If you have a team with good damage, you will defeat your opponent in a short period of time. Here are the top teams to kill with Magicians and Assassins most effectively in Truth Arena League of Legends.

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Some formations of Magicians and Assassins quickly and severely damage the Truth Arena LOL

1. Team of Magicians

Top 5 Wizards and Assassins most effectively Picture 1

Main members of the squad: Ahri, Lulu, Veigar, Morgana, Shyvana, Aurelion Sol.

  1. Start your chess board with Lulu and Ahri, using Warwick as a tanker to get the Wild buff or Kassadin, Garen or Darius can also work (up to 3 stars as well).
  2. Remember to find more Morgana to get the Magician's buff early and include a secondary tank. If not, choose Veigar first.
  3. Buy Aurelion Sol in the mid game and find Yuumi's equipment to turn a strong army into a Wizard
  4. Shyvana will be the most idealistic hero to turn into a Sorcerer (High Dame when turning dragons + Dragon buffs to Sol)
  5. If the team dies too quickly, you should either add a tank or find 2 more gold tank shovels, or you can add troops to the corner so that the Assassin cannot get in (priority between Aurelion lives)

2. Ninja squad + Assassins

Top 5 Wizards and Assassins most effectively Picture 2

Main members of the squad: Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, Zed, Shen, Kennen, Akali, Cho'Gath.

  1. Start your match with Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, Kassadin to get the Void buff with Kassadin to make a temporary tank
  2. Add Zed and some other Assassins to get the Assassin buff
  3. In the middle of the game, add the Cho'gath to get the Gladiator buff and the Void, now remove Kassadin and add other Assassins. Then add Shen, Akali between the match and Kennen at the end of the match to get 4 more buffs.
  4. If you grab the shovel early, you can pair it into a Assassin transfer device to get more powerful crit damage. The Assassin squad only needs one to two main tankers, if possible, to control it.

3. Sorcerer squad + Wild

Top 5 Wizards and Assassins most effectively Picture 3

Main ingredients: Warwick, Nidalee, Ahri, Shyvana, Morgana, Gnar, Aurelion Sol.

  1. When you first start, choose 2 early game Wild Troops, Nidalee, Warwick or Ahri. Tanks can be used temporarily for basic heroes like Garen, Kassadin or Darius.
  2. Adding two Armed Forces like Elise and Shyvana, these two pieces are not too hard to find. From mid to late game remove Elise and replace Gnar.
  3. Start looking for Morgana and Aurelion Sol in the middle of the game to get a Magician's buff. Aurelion Sol and Shyvana will activate the Dragon buff.
  4. At the beginning of the game, you can still build 3-star Nidalee to get a 3-Digit buff (Nidalee, Gnar, Shyvana) extremely powerful in the late game.
  5. At the end of the game, depending on the situation, you can add a control tank like Braum / Sejuani or go back to pure Magician with Karthus.

4. Assassin lineup + Void

Top 5 Wizards and Assassins most effectively Picture 4

Main ingredients: Kha'Zix, Kassadin, Pyke, Zed, Evelynn, Katarina, Rengar, Cho'Gath

  1. Start with Kha'Zix, Kassadin and Rek'Sai.
  2. If you are assassinated, collect those assassins, including: Zed, Rengar, Katarina, Pyke, Evelynn
  3. Late in the game, please replace Rek'Sai with Cho'Gath to keep the buff of the Void

This is the Assassin optimization team with No Damage at the same time until late game to get the highest damage possible.

In fact, this squad is quite unlucky, the enemy team that has placed an unreasonable position may break the match. If the tank is fully divided, the Assassin team is easy to lose damage.

5. The Magician + Ice Kingdom formation

Top 5 Wizards and Assassins most effectively Picture 5

Main ingredients: Kassadin, Lissandra, Braum, Morgana, Kennen, Aurelion Sol, Anivia.

  1. Start with Lissandra / Braum and Kassadin to get the Ice Country buff
  2. You can insert Ahri / Lulu to get 3 Magician's buff soon, then take Morgana to Lulu and get more Aurelion Sol.
  3. In the mid game stage, find more Sejuani to be the main tank team for the Magician. Then find Kennen and put it in the queue. Up to 2 stars, please put in to make sure.
  4. Finally, find Anivia to get the Elementalist buff, and you can add Brand in mid game because it's easier to find.

This line has a drawback that is quite expensive and hard to find when it comes to late game, please turn to the Nobility / Knight formation.

With 5 Wizards + Assassins above you can use to build your squad, put damage to win quickly and effectively in Truth Arena LOL.

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