Google has inadvertently 'helped' the hacker

Google is occupying a huge search market share on the Internet. According to Symantec, this is urging attackers to target Google's search results - Google is occupying a huge search market share on the Internet. According to Symantec, this is urging attackers to target Google's search results .

Google has inadvertently 'helped' the hacker Picture 1Google has inadvertently 'helped' the hacker Picture 1 According to Symantec, 'Google's influence and speed of search are also a major factor that makes it a target for cybercrime.' Symatec is a software company that provides security, storage and system management solutions.

According to Symantec's report, search results of search giant Google were attacked through links to fake antivirus software, which is a headache for Internet users. However, this is an effective way for attackers on the network to infiltrate and affect users' computers.

Based on Symantec's report about " Rogue Security Software ", the culprit of these 'poisoned' search results is usually scam guys, using search engine techniques to poison search results. Search and bring scam sites to top positions in search results A fake security software program is an application that seems to be a legitimate security software, but will protect very little or In no case, it will also support the installation of fake codes.

Symantec looked at the search results and the search results data appeared in the first hourly positions and considered how many results were fake (out of the first 70 search results of Google). Among Google search results from March to April 2010, Symantec obtained the following numbers:

• In a particular hour, out of the first 70 search results, 3 out of 10 search results contain at least one fake URL.

• On average, every 15 links out of 70 search results are fake and have been poisoned (ie at least one fake URL).

• Average for a specific day, out of the first 70 search results, 7.3% of links are fake.

• Of the 70 search results, 68% of the links to fake websites are the most contaminated.

• Most fake URLs will send users to fake antivirus sites.

It is clear that attackers will continue to succeed in poisoning search results. They have a structure that can automatically collect the latest and most familiar search results, then poison these results.

Symantec offers advice to Internet users to be careful with every click on the search results links, especially if searching for familiar or popular topics. The company also recommends that users should visit the company's Twitter address to find the latest information on Internet threats.

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