Google continues to 'quash' a Chinese application developer other than violating advertising policies

The developer of this application, called CooTek, is a fairly large technology company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Google has announced it is considering issuing a permanent ban on another Chinese application developer from the Play Store online app store, alleging that the company has seriously violated promo policy. my fox.

The developer of this application, called CooTek, is a fairly large technology company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The name CooTek is probably known in the Western markets primarily through TouchPal - a handy keyboard application, perfect alternative to the default keyboard on mobile devices.

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Google continues to 'quash' a Chinese application developer other than violating advertising policies Picture 1Google continues to 'quash' a Chinese application developer other than violating advertising policies Picture 1 TouchPal is CooTek's most famous app

The developer has now been stripped of access to Google's advertising platforms, while Mountain View giants said they have removed dozens of CooTek's large and small apps from Play Store, as well as in their hands. Full evidence of the Chinese company's mistakes.

According to BuzzFeed's report, Google opened a comprehensive investigation of how CooTek's advertising works on apps. The results show that there are hundreds of Chinese developers' applications that use the invasive adware plugin called BeiTaAd. This plugin is said to have "stuffed" ads continuously for users even when the phone or application is not in active status. The head of the investigation team, Kristina Balaam, said that this invasive and massive advertising behavior could make the phone stall and almost impossible to use unless the user restarted the device, causing annoyance is not small but in many cases, users cannot find the cause.

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Google continues to 'quash' a Chinese application developer other than violating advertising policies Picture 2Google continues to 'quash' a Chinese application developer other than violating advertising policies Picture 2 Google accused CooTek of using the invasive adware pluginBeiTaAd

CooTek side also had the first reactions after the announcement of Google. The company representative said they have completely removed BeiTaAd on many of their applications. But then BuzzFeed and Google experts continued to discover that many of this developer 's applications, after being updated, contain separate code systems that allow duplicate ads to be deployed. , and it is important that these applications have been approved by Google back on Play Store.

Regarding Google's new discovery, CooTek's side immediately denied it, saying: 'They were unable to show our relevance to the unusual ads that appeared on the updated applications. Sunday The findings that Google and BuzzFeed announced this time are lack of evidence and are completely unconvincing. '

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However, Google doesn't seem to care much about CooTek's defense. In an interview with BuzzFeed, Google said: 'Our Google Play development policy specifically prohibits malicious and deceptive practices, as well as bad ads that affect the user experience.' .

This is not the first time that Google has made strong penalties for Chinese application developers with allegations of fraud and abuse of Play Store policies. Do Global, one of China's major mobile application developers, was also banned and forced to remove the entire application from the Play Store last April because of similar violations. Earlier, Google had also imposed heavy penalties for Cheetah Mobile and Kika Tech last year. With this incident, CooTek will most likely be the next name to suffer the same fate.

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Google continues to 'quash' a Chinese application developer other than violating advertising policies Picture 3Google continues to 'quash' a Chinese application developer other than violating advertising policies Picture 3 CooTek will most likely be the next Chinese application developer banned from Play Store

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