How to treat blisters when walking a lot, wearing tight shoes

If you have blisters on your feet, follow the steps below to quickly heal your feet!

When wearing footwear that is too tight or has too hard material and has to travel a lot, it will make your legs swell . The initial blister causes pain in the skin of your legs, then the pain is gone but there is water inside. There are 2 cases: mild only discomfort, severe can make you unable to walk. If you have blisters on your feet, follow the steps below to quickly heal your feet!

Method 1: Handle blisters

1. Find out the cause of blistering.

How to treat blisters when walking a lot, wearing tight shoes Picture 1How to treat blisters when walking a lot, wearing tight shoes Picture 1

Often blisters on the feet often occur due to rubbing, heat, dirt and moisture. These factors appear when hiking, exercising or skating, especially when you wear shoes or socks that are not suitable for your foot size. They usually appear when you wear new shoes for a long time, not letting your feet relax. Because new shoes are usually very hard compared to the soft skin on your feet, or maybe they don't fit on your feet.

2. Detect early blisters before they become too serious.

Apply the following ways to limit blisters and not make it more serious:

  1. If possible, take the time to try and try a new shoe on your feet a few times so that it stretches according to your feet and your feet have a chance to rub new shoes.
  2. Don't wear new shoes when you have to walk a long distance or wear uncomfortable shoes that cause your skin to burn, as they can quickly turn into blisters.
  3. Always keep your feet dry and cool.
  4. In the case of continued travel, use stickers, adhesive tape with poor oxide or personal adhesive tape - any type that can reduce heat and rub on the skin area at risk of blistering.

Method 2: Treat blisters on the skin

1. Wash the skin around the blister with warm water and soap.

Also, try adding an antibacterial ointment to the blister.

2. Let the blister heal itself.

  1. Break or not break the blister.Decide whether you want to let the blister heal or break it.As a general rule, if the blister does not affect your daily travel,it should be healed.
  2. In case you can't wait for those blisters to heal on your own, you can handle it in a way that breaks it.Use sterilized needles with alcohol or boiling water, or use sterilized medical needles.

3. Break the blister if needed.

  1. Slowly poke the needle on one side of the blister to allow the fluid inside the blister to flow out.
  2. Remember not to peel off the blister skin from the blister, as it can cause your blister to become infected.

4. Disinfect blister skin.

  1. Apply somepovidone-iodineantisepticto the blistered skin.At first, you may feel a little throbbing, especially when using a cold spray, but it will help you make sure the blistered skin is not infected when it has been broken.

5. Tape the blistered skin.

  1. Usemedical gauze, bandages, patches or any protective stickers to cover the wound.Use a type that doesn't stick or stick to the wound to easily remove it without damaging the skin that is about to heal below.

6. Let the blister heal itself.

Remove the protective tape so that the wound can dry out of the air.

7. Don't make serious injuries.

  1. If you continue to damage the blister, you can apply someiodine antiseptic, then bandage it with medical gauze and fix it with medical tape.This will ensure that the wound is not infected, easily peel off the protective layer and moreover avoid the blister from further rubbing.
  2. Remember,don't use regular tape.Because it is not a special type of skin paste and there is a risk of damaging the blister as well as the skin around them.Imagine imagining peeling the blistering skin with a pincer, it will definitely be painful, right?Sticking ordinary tape on the wound will be the same!

8. Keep the wound clean.

Check your blisters daily and keep them clean . In addition, you can apply iodine antiseptic if needed.

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