Factors that interfere with laptop perfection

According to a survey conducted by Intel, 16.4% said the laptop's biggest drawback was that performance was not as good as the desktop.

In cooperation with Intel, 16.4% said the laptop's biggest drawback was that performance was not as good as the desktop. " Perhaps a part of consumers still own older generation laptops with low chip speed and RAM capacity, " said Nguyen Manh Lan, Managing Director of Dang Khoa IT Plaza Supermarket (Hanoi). ), while they have the same amount of money to buy that product, they can own a desktop with a more powerful configuration . Lan believes that this issue is no longer significant for new laptops with mid-range prices. On the market today, laptop prices are constantly falling while the configuration has made significant progress compared to the money.

Another factor mentioned but not much (2.6% of comments) is the notebook's wireless connectivity is not strong enough for online activities. Currently, when WiMax technology is not really widely used in Vietnam, users still rely heavily on Wi-Fi with performance and range not yet met the needs of moving and retrieving information. According to Vu Quoc Hoan, deputy director of FPT Telecom's Research and Development Center, in fact, if laptop users connect to the Internet in a cafe, the quality of wired and wireless is the same (calculated from the connection). modem to the ISP's network), there is only a difference when connecting in a local area network (calculated from the workstation connected to the modem, usually for wired 100 Mbps and wirelessly 54 Mbps in the the best event).

Factors that interfere with laptop perfection Picture 1Factors that interfere with laptop perfection Picture 1 Restrictions on wireless connectivity for laptops will soon be resolved when the new generation Wi-Fi 802.11n standard (11n for short) is approved and popular. In fact, many manufacturers have integrated this technology in their products. Compared to the current 802.11a and 802.11g standards only reached a maximum of 54 Mbps, 11n provides speeds of 100-540 Mbps, capable of supporting 1080p high-definition video content, allowing people to comfortable use of wireless VoIP facilities, watching movies, surfing the web, playing online games . In addition to wider coverage thanks to MIMO technology, the 802.11n standard also ensures interoperability between products. Next-generation wireless products such as computers, handheld devices, and network systems.

Meanwhile, the fact that some domestic mobile networks currently provide Internet connectivity for laptops via mobile networks with supported devices or through subscribed phones also adds an attractive option to consumers.

The security factor for laptops when connected in public places has been mentioned a lot, especially when remote access via wireless network to the internal system. However, only 1.9% of the readers who participated in the survey considered it a major drawback when using laptops. "The risk of being present is not really big. The compromised computer depends on whether the network administrator establishes the security system, sets the password to access the WLAN, builds an anti-penetration firewall like that. Any network users and careless users can access content, "explained Hoan.

Batteries are problems that nearly half of survey participants (46.6%) consider the biggest drawback of laptops. On the market today, most laptop batteries use lithium-ion technology. Popular laptops use 6-cell batteries for 2-3 hours. Some models can be added to a 9-cell battery, but the case is no longer neat. While advanced technologies such as fuel cells or lithium polymer - promising to make a breakthrough in time - are still in early stages of development or cost is too expensive. Some companies have also released devices designed to boost laptop battery power, but have not solved the problem.

According to Mike Trainor, Intel's director of mobile technology, consumers today actually require laptops to run about eight hours before reloading their batteries, but lithium-ion technology will never reach that level. " The computer manufacturing industry has done so well to squeeze out the capacity to store electricity that could be in this technology ," Trainor said. Intel has changed the method of transistor design on silicon to reduce the amount of electricity they consume. They argue that, at a wider scale, improvements in transformer manufacturing can also reduce power loss in the form of heat and make laptops more efficient.

Put faith in this very practical solution, big names in the semiconductor industry are studying to develop computing architectures that both ensure enhanced processing power, support stronger connections and especially reduce power consumption, to further extend the laptop's operating time based on traditional battery power. Leading manufacturer of the world microprocessor industry Intel is preparing to launch the Centrino Duo platform for general laptops and Centrino Pro for business laptops, promising to overcome the above problems. .

Phan Khương

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