Excel test P.1
In the previous articles, Network Administrator sent you a test to test your understanding of Excel with extremely interesting questions. Continuing the series of articles on this topic will be the multiple choice questions that apply to the use of the software, hopefully it will be useful for you.
Question 1 . In the Excel worksheet, in cell A2, the value 25 is available, in cell B2 type in the formula = SQRT (A2), then get the result:
A. 0
B. 5
Question 2 . When working with Excel, which key combination allows to immediately bring the cursor to the first cell (cell A1) of the spreadsheet?
A. Shift + Home
B. Alt + Home
C. Ctrl + Home
D. Shift + Ctrl + Home
Question 3 . In the Excel worksheet, in cell A2, the "Tin hoc" string is available, cell B2 is in 2008. In cell C2, type = A2 + B2 and get the result:
B. Informatics
C. 2008
D. News hoc2008
Question 4 . In Excel spreadsheets, if in a cell has the symbols #####, what does that mean?
A. The spreadsheet program is infected with a virus.
B. Incorrect input formula and Excel error message.
C. The row containing the cell has a height that is too low to display all digits.
D. The cell contains a width that is too narrow to display all digits.
Question 5 . While working with Excel, to enter a calculation formula for a cell, we must first type:
A. Question mark (?)
B. Equal sign (=)
C. A colon (:)
D. Dollar sign ($)
Question 6 . The following question wrong? When importing data into Excel spreadsheets:
A. The numeric data will default to the left margin.
B. Character-type data will default to the left margin.
C. Time-type data will automatically align right.
D. Date-type data will automatically align right.
Question 7. While working with Excel, to save the current spreadsheet to disk, we do:
A. Window - Save
B. Edit - Save
C. Tools - Save
D. File - Save
Question 8 . In the Excel worksheet, in cell A2, there is a zero value (0), in cell B2, enter the formula = 5 / A2, then get the result:
A. 0
B. 5
D. # DIV / 0!
Question 9.In the Excel worksheet, the condition in the IF function is expressed in the form of a comparison. When need to compare different, which symbols to use?
A. #
B. <>
C.> <
D. &
Question 10 . In the following address types, which address is the absolute address?
A. B $ 1: D $ 10
B. $ B1: $ D10
C. B $ 1 $: D $ 10 $
D. $ B $ 1: $ D $ 10
1. B2 C
3. A
4. D
5. B 6.A
See more:
- Summary of expensive shortcuts in Microsoft Excel
- These are the most basic functions in Excel that you need to understand
- 10 ways to recover corrupted Excel files