Every day an attack on the IM network virus occurs
Users are well aware of the risk of dangerous programs when clicking on a link via e-mail, but limiting this situation in an instant messaging system (IM) is not easy.

"Viruses will not be able to find a way to live in e-mail, but they are migrating to IM more and more," said Francis Costello, technical director of research firm Akonix. in the first quarter of this year, it was about 40, doubling compared to the whole of 2004, but that figure is still only 1/4 of the second quarter with nearly 170 cases ".
IM virus attacks customers using instant messaging services by reviewing a list of friends in certain chat accounts.Next, it sends a message, the content is usually ' Hehe, I just got a great movie :) ', or ' See this picture ' with a connection containing malicious code.
Some hybrid worms can spread simultaneously through both P2P instant messaging and peer-to-peer networks, such as Win32.VB worms and Bropia.August is the month of Kelvir virus.HI with superior language proficiency when it can spread under 10 different language versions.In September alone, Akonix recorded 7 new versions of Mete, Simbag . On average, IM networks are suffering from a daily attack with a rudimentary but effective method.
To protect themselves, users need to install antivirus programs in real time and be alert to any link.
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