At this interface, you will see the Get button to download the application for free.
Free Downloading Penbook drawing application on Windows 10 Picture 1
Step 2:
You will then be asked to log in to your Microsoft account to be able to download the application. We will need to enter the verification code sent to your account email address.
Free Downloading Penbook drawing application on Windows 10 Picture 2
You should now see your computer name to select and download the application. 1 application download will only be used for 1 computer only.
Free Downloading Penbook drawing application on Windows 10 Picture 3
Step 3:
The application has now received the device name. Back to the application download interface, click Install / Open to proceed to the Penbook download process is finished.
Free Downloading Penbook drawing application on Windows 10 Picture 4
Step 4:
Below is the main interface of the Penbook application. We will choose a horizontal or vertical drawing or import a PDF file into the application.
Free Downloading Penbook drawing application on Windows 10 Picture 5
Step 5:
Then choose the left covert image and the right page style , then name and click CreatePenbook to create a new drawing.
Free Downloading Penbook drawing application on Windows 10 Picture 6
Finally you use the drawing tools that the application provides to create drawings or write notes, depending on the job requirements.
Free Downloading Penbook drawing application on Windows 10 Picture 7