Discover 2,600-year-old theater walls in Turkey

Many strange, beautiful objects could be the ancient theater walls found in Turkey, which made the national archaeologists extremely shocked.

Many strange, beautiful objects may be the walls of ancient theater that were just found in Turkey, which made the national archaeologists extremely shocked.

Accordingly, the incident was discovered in Knidos , west of Datca Muğla district, western Turkey by excavation team directly by Selçuk University.

The new excavation shows that in the area there are many large, long objects with classic curving motifs that many archaeologists consider to be the collapsing walls of an ancient theater. estimated about 2,600 years old.

Discover 2,600-year-old theater walls in Turkey Picture 1Discover 2,600-year-old theater walls in Turkey Picture 1 Photo source: Internet.

Associate Professor Ertekin Doksanaltı, the head of the excavation, said the detached theater walls were estimated to be about 7, 8 meters long on average, probably the main wall of the theater.

In addition, the group also discovered two curved structures right next to the walls of an ancient VIP area, according to predictions, this area integrated in the theater used to perform rituals for spectra. neck nearby.

Huynh Dung ( According to Hurriyetdailynews)

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