Discover 400 mysterious ancient footprints near volcanic regions in Africa

Scientists were amazed to find that more than 400 footprints in the mud are believed to be humans dating from 5,800 to 19,100 years near the volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania, in Africa.

Scientists were amazed to find more than 400 ancient footprints on the mud believed to be of humans dated from 5,800 to 19,100 years near the volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania, in Africa.

Through research, scientists identified 12 people who went together. They move quite quickly. In this group of people, one person broke a big toe, women and children together.

Discover 400 mysterious ancient footprints near volcanic regions in Africa Picture 1Discover 400 mysterious ancient footprints near volcanic regions in Africa Picture 1
Ancient footprints were discovered in Tanzania

Cynthia Liutkus-Pierce, a researcher at the University of Appalachian State (USA), was surprised to see such footprints. " I really want to discover human origins to know: Where do we come from and who are we? This is a trace that helps us see history ."

These ancient footprints are preserved by the ash of the volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai called "the mountain of god" by the Maasai people . According to the scientists, ash and dust caused by a 2.332m high volcano erupted into the Engare Sero mud before being dried up like a printing mold and preserving ancient footprints to this day. As the Engare Sero flows through, the surface flattens the surface and reveals these footprints.

Discover 400 mysterious ancient footprints near volcanic regions in Africa Picture 2Discover 400 mysterious ancient footprints near volcanic regions in Africa Picture 2 Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai

Scientists hope, after a closer look at these ancient footprints, we will better understand the ancestors of humanity .

Earlier, the ancient footprints of the ancestors of the Australopithecus afarensis species dating back to 3.6 million years ago were also discovered at a site in Laetoli, Tanzania.

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