Map showing which celebrities were born in their country
And through this map, you can learn more about famous people in your country in different areas of life.
The Notable people map project uses a cross-verified database of famous people around the world, including where their hometown is. The developer has also revised the data so that viewing the map will show one person from each unique geographic location with the highest popularity rating. Specifically, if many celebrities come to the same location, the map will only show the name of the most known person.
The map website has a wide selection of different fields for us to filter and search for celebrities according to our needs. You can filter by culture, leaders, sports, and science fields to display by the celebrities of that field.
The Notable people map database filters celebrities based on the number of Wikipedia articles per individual, length of profile, average profile views from 2015 to 2018, total number of external links apart from Wikidata. When you click on a particular celebrity, some basic information about that person will be displayed. Interested readers can click on the Notable people map link below.
You find the area you are interested in, such as Vietnam. Then tick the field you are interested in to display celebrities on the map.
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